

As per my name, Im bella's mum (well its Isabelle she can't say her name yet!).

I managed to get to my pre-pregnancy weight within a year, going back to work helped a lot. Bella then fell ill, so I had to leave work. Being housebound most of the time I quickly put on weight. It didnt help that on our food budget it meant a LOT of pasta, potatoes,pasta,potatoes etc.
Bella Im glad to say is better, and has started preschool 2 mornings a week.
I need to loose 1 stone / 6.3kgs to get back to pre pregnancy weight. This summer was uncomfortable as most of my clothes from the previous summer didnt fit, but didnt have the budget for a new wardrobe! I dont want this winter to be the same, so am determined to get back into my clothes.

Ive managed to get a few hours work whilst dd is in preschool, only a few so money is still tight.

If anyone has any budget recipes or can point me in the right direction please do - my dd & I eat the same I don't do seperate meals as I don't want to encourage fussy habits.

I carry weight more on my belly, my arms are as skinny as anything, legs ok, but the first place I loose it is my chest which really irritates me so any workout tips for my shape would be gratefully recieved!

Thank you


  • allykat25
    Hello, I don't really have any advice for food - I'm working on that myself - I think portion size is the key BUT I do have a great website for you to try. It is for people who workout at home - it is www.bodyrock.tv - it is tough but the routines are short and she gives you ideas for beginners so you can work up. Check it out and good luck!