Has any Female here have their Gallbladder Removed?

Hi! Well back in Dec when I was preggo I was having really bad pains and then again in Feb so I went to the Er long story short I had gallstones bad! I gave birth to my son in March 4 weeks later I was in pain I went to the er agin and this time I was told I had to have my gallbladder removed. I was there from thurs till Sunday.My question is do you still have pain sometimes? Also doed it seem harder to lose weight now? I was doing gr8 before I got preggo lost 50lbs now it's like Im busting my *kitten* and not getting any results....I also was put on Birth control first time ever could this also be why im not loseing weight? Thanks for reading this!!!


  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I had mine removed last year. Lost 13 pounds after the surgery. Gained it all back..and have lost about 40 this year so far.
  • cpldjski
    cpldjski Posts: 64 Member
    I had mine removed 7 years ago. I find that I do still have pain, butonly when I am really hungry. I know, that sounds weird. I have lost 59 lbs in 9 months with thyroid problems. I don't know how having it removed affects weight loss.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I had mine removed, but I was a lot younger, and I don't think it should have any impact on losing weight at all. I still have stomach pains, but I have irritable/inflammatory bowel disease, so it's more related to that. Having my gallbladder removed was a lifesaver for me, the pains it caused were literally agonizing!
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I had mine out a few years back. No pain. Some digestion issues, but no pain. Weight loss is okay, thus far. :happy:

    BC could def. be affecting weight loss. Some BCs cause weight gain.
  • jennmarg
    jennmarg Posts: 9 Member
    I had mine removed 2 weeks ago -- so I'm actually still recovering -- so don't know going forward. My dad had his out too about 10 yrs ago and has recently started experiencing pain. His doc said he could still be producing stones so he is going for an ultrasound to determine that so that could be one reason why you have pain. I asked my doc if it would impede weight loss and he said it didn't have anything to do with that, so it shouldn't be the reason. I know from my own experience that birth control makes me gain weight so that could definitely be the culprate. Good luck!
  • briannaghall
    I had mine removed 2 months ago..
    Doctors think it was due to estrogen build up since I am on birth control, but I haven't connected that to weight gain/loss. Maybe since I've always been rather slim.
    Since getting my gallbladder removed I've had to do a lot of stretching of the abdomen(back bends generally since I'm a cheerleader) and I've been pooping a lot more (embarrassing to say, but its the truth).
    I'm still on birth control and I haven't noticed any changes in weight loss/gain though.
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I had mine out just over one year ago. I am having a heck of a time making the scale move down, but I don't think it has anything to do with the gallbladder. I still have some digestive issues, but nothing like the pain I used to experience from gallbladder attacks!
  • wackynunu
    wackynunu Posts: 103
    I had mine out about 5 years ago. I had pain for about 6 months, but never again after that. Gallbladder pain is the WORST! I always say I'd rather give birth 10 times than have that pain again. I have no "problems" losing weight. Unless motivation counts. :) That comes and goes for me. Birth Control is a whole different issue though. I think mine makes me crave food all the time. But if I eat well and excersise, I lose.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I had mine removed five years ago and still have pain. I went up in weight after surgery but it wasnt too difficult to go down. Try lowering your fat intake if they happen a lot. or see the doctor again. I call them ghost pains. UGH.. BC may be a culprit for the weight gain too, so I've heard.
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Thanks everyone. The pain is when I eat like pizza or something fatty so I havent had that in forever! But then I ate a salad last week with fat free dressing and had horrible pain. Tmi and I get the runs alot now too. The birth control is a big part of me not losing weigh fast I guess. Sucks cause I work my *kitten* off and get no results