Nutritional advice from "Dove dark chocolate" for laughs

:love: Ok, so my new little indulgant is one of those sweet little pieces of dark chocolate wrapped in pretty pink foil from Dove.(44 calories if you can eat just one!) I don't think I will choose to listen to the little message inscribed on the inside of the wrapper that said "act on every indulgence" or I might eat the whole bag and then have to say "the devil made me do it!" LOL!
Then when I went to post this on my f.b page and looked for a picure of one the wrapper said "follow your heart!" This candy company sure doesn't want me to get to my goal!! HAHA! Just thought this would be fun for laughs. Lynne:blushing:


  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Oooo, dove chocolate! It's forbidden to me, no way can I eat just one!!
    I'm just kidding..I could, if I tried really hard!

    Those little sayings are evil, they want you to eat the whole bag and then go
    buy another bag and eat those too! LOL.:devil:

    Seriously though Lynne, nice job being in control of what you eat!:flowerforyou:
  • lms32164
    lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
    LOL! Rita, please don't place the halo on my head unless I reach 150lbs. LOL! I am not 100% in control 100% of the time. Alls I can say is "God isn't finished with me yet!" We all need a tiny treat once in awhile. I think I am going to resolve myself that if I burn that 44 or 88 calories then I will allow myself the treat. That sounds fair doesn't it.? Haha!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Pringles wont let me stop. They dont give me permission!

    "Once you pop, you can't stop".

    Oh. In that case, i wont pop it at all then! :(
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    LOL! Rita, please don't place the halo on my head unless I reach 150lbs. LOL! I am not 100% in control 100% of the time. Alls I can say is "God isn't finished with me yet!" We all need a tiny treat once in awhile. I think I am going to resolve myself that if I burn that 44 or 88 calories then I will allow myself the treat. That sounds fair doesn't it.? Haha!

    It does indeed sound fair Lynne, total deprivation sets up certain failure in
    my opinion, so enjoy your treats guilt free you have earned it, and I will as well!