Questions about Zumba

So I was watching a few Zumba videos on YouTube.

I'm not a big fan of exercise but I love dance and music. What muscles does Zumba work? Is it an all over cardio? Do you feel the burn in certain muscles more than others? I'm thinking about purchasing this or going to a class and just wondering. Thanks! :)


  • cfreema
    cfreema Posts: 30 Member
    It is a straight up full body cardio and so much fun to do! I would recommend going to and finding a class. I started Zumba 2 months ago and have met some really amazing people!
  • AmyBrenn
    AmyBrenn Posts: 93 Member
    If you love to dance and love music, you'll love Zumba! It's a fantastic cardio workout and I mainly feel it in my legs. They have Zumba tone classes to that use free weights with Zumba music which is a good toning exercise as well. I say find a class and try it out before buying and DVD's. But, I have a feeling you will love it!
  • KelieHerrera
    I feel like Zumba mostly works the legs, however I will occasionally feel some soreness in my abs and sides from all the shimmying and whatnot. My calves and quads are ALWAYS extremely sore after an intense Zumba workout, though.
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    I've being doing Zumba for a while now. I was going to a class,but then I stopped and started doing them at home. It all depends on which ones your doing cause everyone burns different places.

    Zumba Salsa- Burns more of your arms and legs.

    Zumba Hip Hop- Burns your legs and I would say your stomach cause I can feel it.

    It all depends on which ones you choose..Hope you have fun! I love it. Good luck:smile:
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    I am a huge zumba fan. Zumba works all your muscles. Different songs work different muscles and some songs work arms and legs, abs and legs, etc. I feel the burn in different muscles depending on which ones are weaker. Sometimes its arms, sometimes its legs. The cool thing is sometimes I'll be driving around town and suddenly feel my stomach muscles and I'm like "how cool is that" lol. Generally I burn about 600 calories an hour in zumba and it's alot of fun. And alot of times you don't really feel it right away so you don't want to give up. You just keep going.

    Before you buy the DVD's i'd suggest paying the 5 or so dollars and give a class a try to see what you think. Also, I find the support at the classes a big plus. If I had the DVD's at home I probably wouldn't use them but as it is I do Zumba 4 times a week, sometimes 5.
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    When I first started doing it my calves were sore afterwards but now they're used to it. Like others have said, it really works your legs!
    I don't feel it working all over but I can definitely see the difference. Well worth it :happy:
  • soonersgirl
    soonersgirl Posts: 254 Member
    i have zumba for my wii...i love it. it's an all over workout. its also a good workout for you arms...lots of arm movements....
  • pinkakira1
    pinkakira1 Posts: 235 Member
    I have been going to Zumba for about 5 months now. I would recomend to go to a class vs getting a tape. I got the Wii game and just couldn't stick to it and it was hard to do the moves on the carpet and get myself motivated. The class you have a group to motivate you along with a teacher that is your own personal coach so it really pushes you to do it. Also try and get your friends to go and if they won't don't worry you will make friends there. I did and love it. It is sooo much fun! I would totally recomend it!

    Oh and it is a full body work out... major cardio!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I personally feel like Zumba is the type of activity you want to do in a class with other people rather than at home. Some exercises, home videos are great for because you don't need the energy of others. Zumba only gets more fun and more intense with the enthusiasm of the participants. I've taken it at different gyms and now just take it at 24hr Fitness but it really gets you moving where you think you are just out dancing. Good cardio and toning benefit as well. I think for calves and quads, it really works since there are a lot of toe type bouncing and ball changes and some lunging (at least in my classes). Just get good shoes that can turn on the floor because that is better for your knees.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I usually feel it in my hips, arms and abs.... I think it really depends on which dances you do and who your instructor is. It is a lot of fun though and an all over total body cardio workout.
  • KelieHerrera
    Before you buy the DVD's i'd suggest paying the 5 or so dollars and give a class a try to see what you think. Also, I find the support at the classes a big plus. If I had the DVD's at home I probably wouldn't use them but as it is I do Zumba 4 times a week, sometimes 5.

    I actually tried the DVDs at home first so I could learn the steps before joining a class and looking like a fool. That being said, I push myself WAY harder in the class because there is more accountability. I am not a great dancer and I find the steps challenging, so for me, it was great to watch the beginning Zumba instructional DVDs at home for some background before hopping into a class where everyone's been doing it for months and knows the moves.
  • staci2476
    staci2476 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree with everyone. :) It really depends on the instructor but I would say in general, it's an all over cardio. Try a couple classes. Don't give up if you don't get it right away. Just keep moving.
  • NPS1985
    NPS1985 Posts: 79 Member
    I LOVE Zumba. Its a full body workout. You will feel it more depending on the class/songs.
  • tammihart
    tammihart Posts: 963 Member
    I agree with everyone. :) It really depends on the instructor but I would say in general, it's an all over cardio. Try a couple classes. Don't give up if you don't get it right away. Just keep moving.

    I agree! My instructor has a few songs that target a certain area. The arm one is a killer! Definitely try a class first, I bought zumba for the wii and it is collecting dust. I love the classes so much more.
  • walkbake
    walkbake Posts: 1 Member
    It is the best exercise I have ever done and targets your core! I have had a trainer for 15 years and would always hear that no one exercise can remove the middle of what most women refer to as their love handles. Let me tell you, Zumba does! I also walk on the days I don't do Zumba.