Anyone have Vertigo?

iinnocence11 Posts: 23
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I need some help from someone that also suffers from Vertigo....

I've been having a lot of dizzy spells lately, one that resulted in me fainting at the gym yesterday (I've never fainted before in my life!). The paramedics checked everything... my heart, blood sugar, blood pressure, everything. When I got to the hospital they ran more tests and everything came back okay. They're saying it may be Vertigo.

I was just wondering if anyone else suffers from this? And what should I expect in the future? Do you ever faint? What are your warning signs if you're going to?

Please help?

Thank you


  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    I haven't had a bout of it for awhile now but I do know when it happens I would have to let it go it's coarse. I would have to lay down and take the meds and sleep, But everyone is different, Hope that it doesn't keep you down to long.
  • kimbaclay
    kimbaclay Posts: 81
    I used to have it when i moved into a 2nd floor apartment. I used to get dizzy spell and nausea. After a couple of months it went away. The docs gave me some meds but i cannot remember what it was. Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • bhill92
    bhill92 Posts: 1
    Hey :)
    I actually have this alot! Not just going to the gym! I often get found on the floor, once I was trying to be sick.
    I aswel went to the hospital and had loads of tests done and they all came back fine, it still happens and they can't explain it.
    No one has ever said this to me before.
    I feel abit heavy when it happens and my eyes start going black from the outside then I can feel myself falling
  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I had my first bout with vertigo in January. I fainted in the middle of the night. It was horrible. I have medicine for it. I hope to avoid it in the future :(
  • TAHerring
    TAHerring Posts: 20 Member
    I have had Vertigo most of my adult life. I can only make it out like being woozy, kind of a drunk feeling, room spinning. My only cure is to lay down, dark room, eyes closed until it passes. My longest spell has been 24-hours. I have been told by physicians there is little that can be done to assist however; sometimes Dramaine slows down the episode.

    I know not much information but I understand the frustrations at times when it comes on....

    Good luck in your journey ~
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I had a horrible case of double ear infections that lasted nearly 6 months about 7 years ago and since then, have bouts with vertigo. I find that walking/running is difficult and I have to look down otherwise I lose my balance. When I'm on the treadmill, I have to usually hold lightly on with one hand or at least keep one hand touching the handles.

    I've never fainted but come close when I really over exert. You can feel an "aura" out of body-ish feeling before hand...or at least I do.

    Talk to your dr and/or trainer about ways to work around it when working out...they may have better ideas and may also be able to establish a heart rate you dont want to exceed in order to try and prevent a fainting spell.

    Good luck.
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    I have a mild case of it. I get dizzy all the time. I went to about 5 different doctors before they really found my problem. It was not Vertigo it wa a vitamin disorder. No one would run this blood panel with all my other blood test. My Neurologist found it!! She said you have to ask or the doctor won't normally run it. My disorder is with Vitamin B-12 and B-1. I have to take extra pills everyday or the spells will come!!! IF I would have kept going the way I was going I would of had a stoke at the age of 37!!!! I got to the point where I could not drive some. I could hardly walk in the afternoons because my B-1 was so low my legs and muscles hurt so bad. I would tell the dr.s something was wrong and they would agree but did not care!!! They just kind of blew me off. My ears nose and throat doctor that discovered the Vertigo sent me to the Neurologist for further testing and she found it!!! Get it checked!!! Good Luck.
  • JustCallMeKate
    JustCallMeKate Posts: 10 Member
    Funny you should ask. I have just been diagnosed with vertigo this past week. Went to the ER this past Monday, following some tests and a head CT they ruled anything else more problematic. Doctor has me on a week of rest and a prescription for the vertigo. It feels awful. Going to follow the thread and see what other advice comes up.
    Of course eating and exercise have been difficult. Can't do much more than walk a little bit and then sit down to let the world catch up.
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    I suffer from it too. Around 18 months ago I woke up and felt dizzy. I put it down to the couple of glasses of wine I'd had the night before and just went to work as usual. After being at work a few hours I got up to use the ladies room and just fell down behind my work chair. I had no idea what had happened or why I found myself on the floor. It really scared me. The dizziness got worse and worse and I went to the docs who said he thought I had acute labrynthitis - infection in the middle ear - it was really bad for around 2 weeks and constantly with me for around 6 months. Over the last year I've had bouts of dizziness when moving my head to look up, down and to the side. I also feel dizzy when I lie down at night or roll over. My doc sent me to a specialist who decided I now had BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), which basically means I get dizzy whenever my head tilts in any direction. The bouts have lessened over the last few months and I have been having physiotherapy to improve my balance.

    I wouldn't wish vertigo on anyone.

    The funny thing is whenever anyone has asked me what my problem is and I've said vertigo, they say 'oh isn't that fear of heights' lol
  • TamDTam
    TamDTam Posts: 115
    I have had it for years.... Dr prescribed meclizine..which is the prescription for of helps a LOT but makes me very sleepy....
    I also suffer from migraines.... I think BOTH are related to stress and bad dieting...

    What helps is for me to lay down in a dark, quiet room and to drink lots of cold water...
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    It's one of the lovely symptoms I get with MS. :-/
  • is a type of dizziness, where there is a feeling of motion when one is stationary.[2] The symptoms are due to a dysfunction of the vestibular system in the inner ear.[2] It is often associated with nausea and vomiting as well as difficulties standing or walking.

    The most common causes are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and vestibular migraine while less common causes include Ménière's disease and vestibular neuritis.[2] Excessive consumption of ethanol (alcoholic beverages) can also cause notorious symptoms of vertigo. (For more information see Short term effects of alcohol). Repetitive spinning, as in familiar childhood games, can induce short-lived vertigo by disrupting the inertia of the fluid in the vestibular system.

    This is from wiki, I been living with this for about 4 years now and the only thing I have trouble with is dizziness sometimes when I close my eyes. My symptoms normaly don't show/slight when performing normaly during the day and night. When performing task that push smy heart rate to near its max(ie runnng, gym) I tend to lose minor blaence for a couple of seconds untill I breath at a normal pace then the symptoms eather go to normal/ or slowly go away in time ie(10 mins). Mine is caused by having damaged vestibulars tubes in both ears . Hops this help and sorry about the spelling.
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    I get it a lot after colds, my Doc gave me Betahistine Hydrochloride for it, only had to take them for a couple of days and then I was fine again.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I spent all of last year suffering from recurrent episodes of vertigo, lasting from a few hours to days at a time. Every two to six weeks, I would find the room spinning every time I rolled over in bed. The symptoms could be eased by taking vallium and anti nausea pills (because mine would send me into violent vomiting spells). My last episode was January 12th. And although I was sent to an ENT to have a check for Meniere’s Disease (common culprit of longterm or recurrent vertigo), the real culprit turned out to be high blood pressure and sodium spikes in my diet. I was also given a CT scan to make sure I didn’t have a bleed or other brain injury that was causing the vertigo. Now I watch my sodium intake and try to keep it under 1500 mg a day and monitor my blood pressure carefully. I have not had an episode since January, which is the longest I have gone since March of last year.

    Edit to Add:
    I have also long been a migraine sufferer. But have not had a regular migraine in a few years, now. The vertigo may also be the way that experience migraines, now, but we can’t be sure. But, the blood pressure spikes put pressure on all veins, including the small ones in the brain, so keeping the blood pressure in check may really be preventing me from having migraines, which in my case has become episodic vertigo.
  • Lorijo50
    Lorijo50 Posts: 20
    I used to fast once in a while, years ago. Like the day before I would go to a weigh in at the TOPS club. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) If I was active I would get dizzy and almost faint. A little sugar like a candy would fix me right up. If I am late for a meal now, I have to have a snack or I will get woozy.
  • taureanbeauty293
    taureanbeauty293 Posts: 22 Member
    I had one vertigo atttack about 6 months ago but haven't had one since- I actually have no idea why but maybe check if its hereditary, or stress-induced, or hormonal, or related to inner-ear problems?

    Hope that helps- good luck!!!
  • I've was diagnosted with Vertigo almost 2 years ago. I am not on any daily med. Lately the episodes have increased, and that concerns me. It's been really challenging trying to workout, and watch my foods. Unlike most people who suffer from this my normal blood pressure is low, it drops without notice and the spinning and nausia follows. Last Friday I was walking down the hall after lunch and turned the corner, nothing major and bam it hit me. I made it to the elevator, and to my floor and couldn't move. I was trying to control it and not panic. My coworker had to help me to my desk. He turned my fan on high and fumbled through my bag to get my meds but I felt awful. My boss thought I had an adult liquid lunch, that pissed me off. I am always professional. I had to explain my medical condition after I got myself together.

    My vertigo is getting worse I now need 50mg of Antivert instead of 25mg to balance me back out. I'm making my appointment with my cardiologist this week. I am doing really good getting this weight off and I pray that he doesn't put me on any restrictions!
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    I had my first spell a week ago on Sunday. I woke up so sick I was miserable. I was on the couch all day that day. I was able to work every day the week following, but I was really dizzy for two or three mornings. I tried to work out Saturday afternoon, and I got down on the floor to do chest flies and here it came again. I am wondering if I will ever be able to run or lift weights again. I did go to the dr. on Friday. He gave me antivert and sudafed and that was it. The antivert made me very sleepy.
  • jcdfish
    jcdfish Posts: 31
    The one and only thing that helped me long term was making sure I get plenty of water. Even very slight dehydration can cause it. I'd been to the doctor, to an ear doctor, etc. Finally someone told me, drink more water. I do. If I get that feeling again, I drink a lot of water. Once it hits, it takes a while to go away, even with the water, but it's faster than waiting it out. Water, I use water and it works for me.
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    I was diagnosed with vertigo today after dr ruled out low blood pressure, iron and blood sugar, as well as thyroid and ear problems. It's really getting me down as I have been been game to go out on my bicycle alone in case I have an attack and my husband doesn't ride as far or as fast as me.

    I am on tabs to deal with it but they have not been terribly effective as yet - started them a week ago to deal with the dizziness while waiting for other test results.
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