Afternoon cravings

Anyone else get sugar/carb cravings late afternoon evening?? How do I stop them? I eat so good all day then about 4pm every day I want to stuff my face with candy, cookies, etc....


  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    Baby carrots help me with those cravings.
  • I do. And I hate it. Any suggestions on what to eat.
  • Ah, I could have written this post myself!!! I should buy stock in Dentyne sugar free gum, cause that's what I do at that time. I have a snack at 3pm, then dinner at 6pm, but for some reason I often struggle in between the two. Gum and water usually works for me. Helps to switch up the flavours too. It's just a craving for me, I know that I'm not actually hungry.
  • Weight Watcher's carrot creme cake for the sweet cravings. Sugar free gum. Baby Bel light cheese wheels for the salt cravings along with a couple Special K whole wheat crackers.
  • I started taking 5-hydroxytryptophan in the afternoon to deal with these cravings for me. Also recommend having some healthier sweet alternatives such as a chocolate protein shake to fill the need without all the sugar or even a piece of gum to hold you off until dinner.

  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I eat chocolate. Or cupcakes. Or cookies. It usually fixes things. :flowerforyou:
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    Sugar free gum!! I used to think "there is no way gum is going to keep me from eating something sweet" but it really does. I buy Extra they have a ton of flavors. I usually have 2 flavors in my purse so I can swtich it up.

    But if you NEED to have something sweet I usually go for Dove promises b/c they are small and like 45 calories each or a 60 calorie Jello pudding cup. YUMMY!
  • mmm77
    mmm77 Posts: 10 Member
    Same here!! I've been having a cup of half-caff coffee with a tablespoon of peppermint mocha creamer. It's not a healthy choice, but it's only 35 calories. It's hot and yummy and helps me to feel full and satisfied for a while.
  • Crazydog98
    Crazydog98 Posts: 3 Member
    I used to have this problem everyday. But now it is gone. The trick was to avoid ANY sugar, flour or simple carbs. Having some sugar in my tea, or a candy, or anything with white flour causes a spike in your blood sugar. Later in the day it drops and you are left craving something sweet.

    Also I found that eating high fiber foods (veggies, greens, fruits, beans, nuts) causes your cravings for bad foods to disappear. I have been on a diet consisting solely of those foods and my cravings and hunger are GONE. I eat less without feeling deprived, and what I eat are considered the best foods for my body. Seriously, it works. Bottom line is, no bad for you foods, no cravings later.

    For the first time in my life I don't feel like a food addict fighting off my urges. It's amazing!
  • klam0703
    klam0703 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, I do!!! Snacking is alright to do through out the day; you just have to remember to snack in a healthy way. Think of all the fruits you like to eat and keep them in your fridge for when you get these cravings. I find that eating fruits is easier when I get these sugar cravings because they taste sweeter than veggies. It is also good every once in a while to "cheat" to satisfy your cravings; it just needs to be done in moderation. A trick that do is when I do "cheat", I take time to think about what I am eating and if it is truly fulfilling my expectations. If it doesn't, I stop and remember that food and how it made me feel while I was eating it. I hope this helps!:glasses:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Anyone else get sugar/carb cravings late afternoon evening?? How do I stop them? I eat so good all day then about 4pm every day I want to stuff my face with candy, cookies, etc....

    fit said candies and cookies into your daily cals, just don't go to overboard. it will make your diet much more enjoyable
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    Fuji Apple, or maybe a Honey Crisp Apple, gives me the sweet Im looking for plus being filling and full of fiber
  • rf1170
    rf1170 Posts: 180 Member
    Personally, I find that if I don't eat enough fat, I get cravings for sugar or carbs later in the day. I don't mean whopping amounts of fat, but I don't do "fat free" anything - I avoid processed foods anyway, so I eat whole milk, full fat cheese, whole eggs, real butter, and I never trim the fat off my meat. Besides keeping me full, it helps my moods stay stable, and it tastes great, too! And some vitamins/minerals are fat-soluble, so your body can better utilize them when you consume them with some fat. That's why bacon grease goes so well with greens, and butter makes carrots taste like candy! Like I said, I don't have to eat a lot more fat to notice a difference. And because it's so satisfying, I usually end up eating less at my meals anyway.

    That said, you might need something different - try eating some carbs that aren't also sugar-laden - someone suggested high-fiber snacks. If you're eating well otherwise, and you're having cravings, you just might be lacking something important.
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    I just had apple slices with peanut butter since I wanted to eat something bad, the peanut butter seems to fix my craving :)
  • yary317
    yary317 Posts: 32
    Same happen to me! I eat raisins and Drink a lot of water
  • Runner_mick
    Runner_mick Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will try the gum thing. I do treat myself at least once a day but my problem is I get carried away if I eat any of that stuff. So I try to avoid it as much as possible. :)
  • Crazydog98
    Crazydog98 Posts: 3 Member
    You're right about the fat. Just choose a good fat. I eat a teaspoon of peanut butter, or a handful of almonds when I am starving. It helps me hang on to my hunger until I can finish making dinner, or just before I do a walk or run. Just keep the calories in mind. I also sometimes saute veggies in a bit of olive oil. Not a lot, just a tiny bit. It helps add good fat to my diet, and helps to satisfy me if I am feeling particularly hungry.

    Forget butter, and other fats with transfats. They make you enjoy the moment, but go straight to your arteries. Good fat sources are nuts, and vegetable based oils. Also try cashew butter, or almond butter. SOOOOOO good. I make a salad dressing with cashew butter and an orange with a dash of lemon juice. Just blend in the blender. OMG good!