Suggestions for Non-Gym Exercise?

FWBP Posts: 24 Member
I just moved into a house from an apartment that had it's own little gym which I loved and used all the time. I also live in a downtown area with a ton of stop lights and find running difficult in my area. Also, am cheap and don't want a membership to a gym so does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of workouts one could do to keep in shape?


  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    Get some good exercise bands and circuit train!
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Exercise videos!
  • Find workouts online. If you have at least a set of hand weights, you can do a lot at home. I work out at home using workouts from I get the magazine, rip out the workouts, put them in a binder, and pick a different workout every few days. There's a lot of stuff you can do without a gym. Also, consider trying a workout DVD.
  • JDWhite4
    JDWhite4 Posts: 13 Member
    Get the gym membership, its an investment in yourself! You'll be around others who are getting in shape and that'll motivate you. Also you never know who you'll meet at the gym that may suggest something that you could benefit from, in addition to all the classes, groups fitness, etc! In my eyes, its well worth the 30$ a month!
  • I have an exercise bike (cheap from Aldi), use exercise bands, hand weights, exercise ball, yoga/pilates DVDs, set up a circuit, and stretching and foam rolling for my sore hip atm. I also run (when I'm not injured) and go for a swim once a week at the local indoor pool. Lots of variety!

    With the bike - I do 5 minutes warm-up, then 20 minutes of 8/12 intervals - 8 seconds as fast and hard as you can go, 12 minutes recovery (3 sets in each minute). Helps the time pass and UNSW studies show significantly more weight-loss compared to "steady state" cycling of 40 minutes. 5 minutes cool-down.
  • jump rope, circuit train, resistance bands.