Back on the saddle again

Well dropped 65lb from December to May, however summer jammed me back 25lb but im not looking at it as a bad thing as last year at this time i was 26lb heavier, and 200lb target is a much more achieveable then starting again at 251. We all know what we have to do to get on track not just healthy eating, but exercise.

Cw Oct 4/11 225
GW Nov 4th 215
GW Dec 4th 205
GW Jan 2nd 195 Jamaica trip

Wish me luck


  • lynnmarie60
    I too gained back weight this summer and I'm glad I read this post because it's makes me feel better. You are right, this time last year I weighed more and I have to just focus on living healthier by eating the right foods and exercising and if I do indulge every now and then, it's ok.
  • bvanasco
    bvanasco Posts: 1 Member
    Good Luck!
  • hollyyoung71
    hollyyoung71 Posts: 70 Member
    Me too... good luck
  • MelodiV2010
    I did the same! Took a trip home this summer for vacation and it went downhill from there. Just could not get motivated to pick up that healthy lifestyle I had found to be productive enough for me to lose 30 lbs. Now my loss is at only 18. Well, no more for me! I am back on my saddle too and ready to love progress again! Good luck to you and you are not alone!! :smile: