i hate this!



  • Tambra1030

    I love your quote "she flies with her own wings" -- truly inspriring. :-)
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    I was average to thin when I was younger. Then I became less active, got older, got lazier, became even less active, ate whatever I wanted (cheetos and mountain dew aren't a meal?)... Then it got harder and harder to try and lose weight the older I got. Many of my friends just change ONE little thing and lose weight... Me? Oh I have to EXERCISE and really watch my eating habits and I lose weight VERY slowly... When I talked to an endocrinologist (no diabetes, just desperate for an answer on why I gain so easy and lose so slowly) she said my body loves it's fat. It doesn't want to let it go so I have to work harder than other people. Yay me!

    So the long and short of it is this: You are not alone. You are making a life change and making your body healthier. Don't compare yourself to others because you'll always be disappointed. Love who you are right now and keep incorporating healthy habits. You may have to work harder, but you will eventually be surprised by subtle changes you notice in the mirror that you didn't notice the last time you got out of the shower... DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104

    Then it dawned on me - you can probably abuse your body and have it not show if you have good genes, in your 20s, 30s and maybe even your 40s, but by the time you are my age, your body really reflects how you have treated it. My first husband was gorgeous, fit, slim and could eat anything in his 20s and 30s, and now he is really struggling because he never looked after himself.

    I know it seems unfair now, but NOONE gets a free pass, it will bite them on the butt later in life.


    So true.