To All Newbies or Anyone who is Frustrated!

downtome Posts: 529 Member
edited October 3 in Success Stories
I would first like to say that i have grown exttemely fond of MFP and the many people here that give support and help to keep you motivated and going each and everyday, and for that, Thank you!

I wanted to write this post today because i was feeling especially good about myself, even though i have many life problems going on right now that i feel i have no answers for, but one thing is for certain....I am taking care of me, exercisng, eating right and losing weight and i am feeling like a new woman, no matter what else bad is going on in my life right now...I'm making "ME" a priority!

I started this journey back in November 26th 2010 weighting 315lbs. I was miserable, down and out, i had just found out that my exhusband had a new girlfriend whom he is now married too, it all seemed to happen so fast. divorced, one month later, new girlfriend, then 10 months later after divorce, he is remarried. Anyway, after i found out about the new gf, it was on Thanksgiving, i was so upset, hurt and angry that right then and there i made my mind up to lose this weight once and for all! I was tired, tired of being fat and miserable and i didn't want to be left behind anymore and i also wanted to live again and not just exsisit! Life has been one big blur for the last 20 years of my life and something needed to change, I needed to change, it was just time and i knew it. So i surfed around on the internet that night in tears, looking for a weightloss site that i felt could help me and get me motivated as i couldn't wait for that night to be over i was ready for tomorrow to begin...i was so angry i even went out for a semi jog, thats how serious i was about getting started, and i was!

Finally, i found my life line, thankful i was and am today for this support system, someone was looking out for me and had answered my prayers. So i took full advantaged and buckled down and got on a program of eating healthy and exercisng. Almost 11 months later, 96lbs down, still have another 59lbs to go but that doesn't even phase me because i'm just going to do it and succeed and reach my ultimate goal, something i have never done before with all my years of dieting, this time would be different and some how i knew it.

when i first started MPF, i would come to the message boards a lot and read tons of post to get inspired and stay motivated, i remember always looking at peoples weightloss tickers and thinking, "WOW. i wish i was at a 59, 69, 85lbs or whatever loss""! It seemed like it would take me forever to get where some of these poeple already where and at times i felt a bit dishearted and got depressed thinking, "gosh, i have so much weigh to lose, it will never happen", well, here i am today and my ticker look pretty good i believe and when i look at how much weight i have lost so far, i am certainly inpressed with myself, sometimes, i am even in disbelief at how far i have come.

In all honesty, it has not been an easy journey, i have had my fair share of falling off the wagon, i have a severe addiction to Ben & Jerry's icecream" Heath Toff Crunch" to be exact and it is a big downfall for me. I was doing great untill about my 8th month, then i really started slacking, i wasn't losing any weight but i was up and down with 8lbs, so I probably could have been down another 20lbs or better if i wasn't slacking for almost 2 months and yes, i felt bad about it, but i realized that maybe i just needed a break, a break to see that going back down that road was not what i wanted to do or where i wanted to be. It may have taken me 2 months to realize that i wanted to reach my goal and be healthy and love myself like never before, as i have always been insecure. Yes, 2 months lost but also 2 months of realization that the old way of life wasn't what i wanted to go back to, feeling miserable from over eating and bingeing didn't feel good, so once again i refocused and made the decision to get back on track and follow through. It was tough but i cracked the whip on myself and now i am back on track and losing weigh steadily once again and it feels so great, nothing feels better. i have since, loaded up 3 bags of clothes that are too big and no longer fit and i'm still clearing out clothes that are too big, pretty soon, my closet will be empty but i don't care, i will worry about affording new clothes when the time comes.

So for you newbies and all of you who are having trouble staying focused and on track, please know that we all go through it and what's important is that you continue to get back up and on the wagon, everyday is a new beginning to eat healthy and exercise and know that even if you do slack, all is not lost...just keep going and keep coming here for support that we all so desparately need! MFP has been my life line and will continue to be even after i reach my goal because i know, i can't do it alone.

I wanted to share my story in hopes that many of you will know that you are not alone and to try and give back some inspiration and motivation. I come here for motivation and inspiration everyday, never will there be a day when i don't need it anymore. This program works if you work it!

I would love to share my pictures, but i'm not really ready just yet to do that. Eventually i will, if i can figure out how to post, i know many have trouble and i would most likely fit into that catagory. I hope today that by writting this long post, that i have helped someone out there in need and who is frustrated or feeling like it's never going to happen for them. Also by doing this, it helps me to stay on track and focused as i still have a ways to go and Ben & Jerry's call my name an awful lot! :)

Peace and happiness to all.

"Believeing Is Seeing"


  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Great post! With all the craziness that you sometimes run into on the boards, this is a really nice refreshing outlook!
  • thanks.... i needed to hear this. thank you for sharing your story with us newbies
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    Wow! 96 pounds lost is a huge accomplishment! You obviously have the dedication needed to succeed. Keep up the good work!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story.
  • I love this !! made me feel better!!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Awesome story! Grat work....very inspiring!
  • seven8seven
    seven8seven Posts: 58 Member
    96 lbs!!! Thats AMAZING!!! I too see everyones ticker with all the weight they have lost and think I'll never get there! Not only people's tickers but their exercise logs! Thank you for this post and hopefully one day I'll be able to write one just like it! =)
  • Estrella30
    Estrella30 Posts: 59 Member
  • IrisGarcia86
    IrisGarcia86 Posts: 27 Member
    i loved this.....Just what i needed to hear, and don't worry you are VERY INSPIRING TO ME!!!
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Thanks for sharing! I did need to read that today.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Your so very welcome! I'm glad it may be able to help those feeling like i did in the beginning of my journey as i remember it very well! I know how frustrating it can be to feel so hopeless and feeli like a failure. It gets better, i can promise you that, just stay the course and belive in yourselves and see it through. Everyday counts and you deserve to feel great and be healthy!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    I remember that time and you have worked very hard. You have been inspiring to me, great to have as my friend!
  • bump
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,578 Member
    Congrats on all your success, love the attitude and stay on the road to better health. Look who's got an impressive ticker themselves there...
  • Your story is a real inspiration. I found MFP 6 weeks ago & it's brilliant, lots of like minded people who are never bored hearing about your diet & weight loss, who understand you & are always on hand with an encouraging word. I hope my ticker looks like yours someday. :smile:
  • Riara11
    Riara11 Posts: 23 Member
    Brilliant post! So good to know it CAN happen!
  • Thank you so much for writing this post and being truly honest about how difficult it is to lose weight when you are still tempted by trigger foods. That is something that I am struggling with but it is inspiring to see you overcome that and do so awesome by losing 96 pounds! That is such a great accomplishment and I hope you achieve your goals :)
  • 4me2day
    4me2day Posts: 41 Member
    You express yourself so well. Continue to encourage us and we will you too. You are a booming success. Keep at it, you're worth it.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    This was a great post. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on your accomplishments. Keep up the good work.
  • Shae3891
    Shae3891 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing! I was sick yesterday and missed the gym, fel like it ruined my week and I wasn't gonna go today, but now I am getting in my gym clothes and I am gonna do it!
  • yusineddy
    yusineddy Posts: 457 Member
    Awsome job, congratulations...
  • Thanks, this hit close to home! I needed to hear this.
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    wow we have the same favorite icecream!So glad that I finally got away from its strong hold.What a wonderful accomplishment you have made and you are an inspiration!
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Amen, Sister! I love this post. Congratulations not only on your weight loss progress but on your wonderfully positive attitude. Everyone take a lesson from her: the only true failure where weight loss is concerned is giving up. You're gonna fall, you're gonna stumble. We all do. Just make sure to be like this amazing lady and keep going!!!! :bigsmile:
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Amen, Sister! I love this post. Congratulations not only on your weight loss progress but on your wonderfully positive attitude. Everyone take a lesson from her: the only true failure where weight loss is concerned is giving up. You're gonna fall, you're gonna stumble. We all do. Just make sure to be like this amazing lady and keep going!!!! :bigsmile:

    Touché! Don't give up! Get right back up and try, try again!!!!

    Excellent post and congratulations on your success!!!!
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT! This was very touching because it came from the heart. How nice of you to share with us.
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    Your so amazing! I also started here at 315, but the last few months I have been in a funk not exercising and going over calories more then I should. But reading your post made me that could be me. Jan 15th will be my one year on here and I don't want to continue to be stuck at 47lbs lost. I know I won't hit 100lbs lost by then but you have re-inspired me to get off my rear and do something about it. So thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • You are now one of my heroes, and a real inspiration! I hope you don't mind, I'm going to shoot you a friend request right after I type this! I need to surround myself with positive people like you, and have already met some really incredible folks here! What you've been able to accomplish in a little under a year is nothing short of incredible! You have every right to be proud of what you've been able to do through sheer grit and determination!

    And please, by all means, we'd love to see those photos! You're among friends, and I'm certain they would only serve to further inspire and motivate folks here! God love ya, you're a real role model and example for many of us! Thank you so much for posting this! :)
  • Thanks for that post! I just started on MFP and I was feeling really down last night after messing I would never succeed and just keep failing. This is an inspiration! And 96 pounds...I'm proud of you :)
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Thank you everyone for your wonderful totally awesome replies! See, this is what keeps me going strong as well, and it never gets tiring to hear. I'm so glad my post was a hit because honestly, i was really scared to write it, afraid of rejection as usual but i took the chance anyway, so glad i did. I know everyone here has it in them to succeed, just don't give up no matter what, even if you have a few bad months! i never quit trying even during that time of my slacky ways, everyday i woke up and tried again...Lord knows there will be more bad days ahead, but that's ok, I'm in it for the long haul and as long as i, and you keep getting back in the game, something great is bound to happen! Keep believing and KNOW that it is truly possible as i, finally believed in myself when no one else did and i have come futher than i have ever dreamed possible!
    Thanks everyone, your all wonderful people and deserve to be happy, inside and out.
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