Family photo 'wake-up' call to get back on track. UGH.

I am a mother of an adorable little girl. She's going to be 2 this December and life couldn't seem more perfect. Until I remember, that I have stopped 'loving' myself so much, that I am nwt literally paying for it in insurance premiums. Because of my weight, my husband and I have to pay over 100.00 extra a month just to have health insurance. For something I CAN CONTROL! I'm sure people with cancer would love to have the option to control their disease, and here I am, all these years, just letting life overtake my living.

So...this January I decided to start the journey. Started running, with the goal that I would be at least 50 lbs lighter by December 31st, and that I would have run at least 1 5K. Well....I ran my 5K in May and have lost 'only' 20 lbs to date. (before starting here on MFP.) At delivery I was almost 300 lbs. How unacceptable...yet I must accept it if I do nothing about it right?!

Since losing the 20 lbs the beginning of the year I have pretty much just stalled out.... I have still been walking and 'trying' to watch what I eat, but truth be told, I've gotten lazy. I've let the bad eating habits creep back in, and let the excercise taper off more and more. WHY? Because I don't have the time?! Well..if cancer was the disease, wouldn't I find time for treatment? Why then am I not doing my 'treatment' every day. The treatment of taking care of myself, eating better, excercising and putting my health first. Because let's face's no longer just about me.

So it was the family Christmas card photo that was taken this weekend that really 'frapped' me back in to reality! Time to stop making excuses and start making a life...a healthy life for that I can start enjoying a life without aches and pains, anger over tight jeans, wondering why anyone would care for me when I can't care for myself. Time to take control, before my little girl grows up to know what it means to be 'overweight' and be ashamed of her mom. Time to take charge once and for all! So here I am...this seems like a great website not only for tracking calories and excercise, but for staying motivated with people who share the same story!

I would love to have some friends to keep me honest! So if you are a new momma needing a motivating buddy...or someone who has 50 + lbs to lose...or just want a weight loss friend who's gonna keep it real and maybe once and awhile make you laugh...I'd be honored to take this journey with you! I have discovered a new love...Body Pump. I am new to my gym so it's really the only class I've taken other than Body Step, in which I looked like a complete fish out of water!

To LIFE...Health...and Loving ourselves!


  • missfluffyuk
    I'm really bad for making excuses as well. "Oh, I'm sick, I can't do this, I can't do that..." I've got around 30 lbs to lose, so send me a friend request if you'd like :)
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    Feel free to add me.I have a long journey to go too.
  • jaimieht
    jaimieht Posts: 106
    You can do it!

    I have ~40 more lbs to lose and I have lost ~40, so I understand where you're coming from. I have a 7 year old and a 4 year old and my "wake up" call that made me actually stick with losing weight and gaining health was my 7 (then 6) year old son trying to "gently" break the news to me that I was fat 6 months ago. lol.

    Feel free to friend me if you wish :)
  • kchris125
    Kudos to you for being so real. It isn't easy to put yourself out there like that. I admire your strength and courage to be honest with yourself . I'm certain you will meet your goal and I wish you luck on your journey! I know the feeling. I have 50lbs to lose myself. Please feel free to add me.