Does Anyone Else ...

lh12xx Posts: 111 Member
Fill out their MFP food diary before they've actually ate the food?
I go in in the morning, and input all my food for the daay, and plan my meals. I think it helps me stick to my goals and lets me know what I'm allowed as opposed to just eating ad-hoc.
I feel like when I complete my diary in the morning, I won't be tempted to eat outwith it, and its working!
What does everyone else do?


  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Yeah definately, maybe not always dinner coz i dont always plan that far ahead. But i always do breakfast and lunch straight away and then I can see how many cals i have left to play with for dinner :)
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Yes I do that helps keep me on track
  • laurenduck05
    laurenduck05 Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah I do the same, it's just the natural thing for me to do, I normally think of my food the night before and as soon as I wake up make my decision and add it in to the diary, that way there is no need to stress out throughout the day thinking "can I eat that"....... This way defiantly works for me!!!
  • pompeyqueen
    pompeyqueen Posts: 55 Member
    I do the same and if there are any small changes I just make adjustments at the end of the day! Not today though because the nepalese security guard at work wants me try nepalese food, not sure how to place that on here??!!

    If it works why not! :happy:
  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    I do...I think it really helps plan and stay on track!!
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    yeah really helps with my night and knowing what i have left to use if i want to treat myself also if i adding in i go over i can cut something down or out to make sure i am still good.
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Always!! As much of the day as possible. Every day.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yep, i do it at work after breakfast. i generally bring in my lunch so i know what i am having, and will have planned dinner.

    It also means i know if i can have extra snacks or a bigger portion at dinner on the days i am working out.
  • gottagethealthy
    gottagethealthy Posts: 43 Member
    Currently I dont but I think its a great idea. Im definetly going to try it. Thanks
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    yep, I have to!