Back again, lacking willpower

ShannonRose1 Posts: 2
edited October 3 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, I am back again. I used this site with much success as I was preparing for my wedding, but now that the honeymoon is over the weight is back and back with a vengeance. For whatever reason, despite exercising regularly the scale keeps going up. I need some tips on how everyone else finds the strength to avoid the cookies in the cabinet or those late night snacks. I just don't have the will power anymore. There is nothing looming over my head in order to have a specific goal. Please share your tips and help me get back to healthy. Thanks in advance to everyone and good luck to you all with your health goals.



  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    u could get back on the wagon. just take it one day at a time. its no easy. set small goals. you'll see success
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I am having the same problem. I'm noticing I am going over every day. No one can help us but us. We just need to get back on track.
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Welcome back.

    Tips from a struggling compulsive overeater/sugar addict: Get rid of the cookies already. Clean out the pantry. Your husband ought to be willing to help even if it's only for long enough for you to establish good habits.

    Be aware of when your cravings come and plan in advance how you're going to handle them. If they're not linked to true hunger (in other words, if they're just mouth cravings), they'll pass in a few minutes. Distract yourself until they go. Someone mentioned here on a blog post that it's like a wave of craving - ride it out. It will subside.

    Get out of the kitchen as soon as dinner is over, and stay out. Find something else to do - vacuum, clean the bathroom, fold laundry, play a video game, read a book, something active, not just plopping down in front of the TV. Have your husband do the dishes, or else do them as fast as you possibly can and get the hell out of the danger zone.

    If you're a late-night eater, get a reasonable snack before bed, then close down the kitchen. Turn off all the lights and, if you have to (I do), block off the room physically. I move furniture. Seriously. Because when I'm half-asleep, I'm more prone to making really bad decisions, but if I'm up in the middle of the night and gravitate towards the kitchen, the physical barrier is often enough to keep me out.

    Some of these work for me. As always, take what you want and leave the rest. Best of luck!
  • Hello! I just came back as well! My work is having a 7 week weight loss challenge and that is what got me motivated again. Like you, I lost a lot of weight but once I got to my goal weight, I slacked off and the lbs came back! Once I realized how much I had lost in the past and what I've put back on, I knew it was time! You can do it too! Good luck!!
  • Rainnie1234
    Rainnie1234 Posts: 1 Member
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one, am also struggling with it. Best of luck & I'm sure you'll do great :0) Reading some of the other responses & some great ideas (thanks!).
  • I did the EXACT same thing after my wedding. I've only recently found the strength to get back at it and what really helped me was getting an accountability partner. One that you know will really keep you in line. We set daily, weekly, and bi/monthly goals and talk to each other every day on MFP to keep each other in the know on how we're doing that day. We've been at it for 2 weeks now and each time I think about screwing off like I used to, I think of her and how nasty of a conversation it will be when I have to explain myself to her and try to come up with some reason why I did it.
    Also, every other month we have something special we get to go do... have lunch with a sangria, buy a new pair of jeans/shoes, get a pedicure.. etc. But only if we reach our goal weight for that time. And being every other month doesn't make it so far off that it seems unattainable either.
    So that's my suggestion.
    Get a partner.
    Set goals.
    Get rewards!
  • These are great suggestions. I think I am going to have to physically barricade the kitchen at night time. I constantly return and get little snacks all night long. I am not sure why this is, I am guessing that I am tired so my body is craving food energy so I feel like I have to eat.

    A challenge might be something that can help, any suggestions on a good one?

    A partner also sounds like a great idea. I am still getting back to things, but maybe with sometime this is something that I will be able to work out. It seems like a great way to stay accountable.

    Thank you all so much for helping me out. Good luck to everyone and here's to taking it one day at a time.
  • houseofcarpenter
    houseofcarpenter Posts: 127 Member
    yes im back after having the summer "off" i just made excuse after excuse to eat what ever i want - and gain back the weight i lost - all my friends have just had babies so they are starting back on their diets and im the biggest of them all and my last baby is 3 years old - why do i not have the same will power as them even though i know what to do and (i say this queitly) i acually feel better physicaly when im eating healthly (who would of thought!) i just dont like doing what im told even when i know its right... but here i am... one day at a time right... good luck ive sent a friend request just in case we could help eachother.
  • jujubugs22
    jujubugs22 Posts: 7 Member
    Stay positive. If you start feeling down or depressed about yourself, say something positive. Also, a lot of times feeling hungry is miss leading. You tend to feel hungry when you are just thirsty. Try drinking a glass of water when you feel hungry in between meals or at night. If you need sweets, make some sugar free pudding or jello and plan one of those in your day for a snack or better yet, have some fruit. The more you eat fruit the more you will start to want fruit instead of cookies.
    Weightloss doesn't happen over night, but you have to stay positive and strong. You can do this. Every morning when you get up, look in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful and strong you are. Tell yourself what your goals are for the day and keep them. It gets easier over time and you will be so proud of yourself when you keep your goals for each day. Best of luck. :happy:
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