strained muscle HELP!

Every Tuesday night I play softball, about 5 weeks ago I strained the muscle that runs along the front of your leg from your knee to your hip. It hurts but by the next morning it is worked out and I can move fine. Last week the pain stayed with me the whole week during certain movements it was a dull pain but never really went away. Last night it almost brought me to tears. I did call dial a nurse but they weren't much help. I took a pain killer and it helped me get sleepy but the pain was great so anytime I moved it kept waking me up. It's loosened enough that I can now move better but I cant get that muscle to work. I can walk and stand with less discomfort than when I sit or lay down, but since I didnt sleep well I'm tired and all I want to do is lay down and rest. It's looking like the soonest I can get to see a doctor will be monday. I don't know that there is anything they can do but whatever I'm doing isn't working. I've got two games left that I have to make it through. Does anybody know of anything I can do to make it better? I use a heating pad and walk everday, maybe not today and it's not fast, I've tried elevating it and dynamic and static stretching before and after and through out the day if it's helping. Don't know of anything else and don't really want to go to the doctor and them not to be able to do anything but give me pain pills. Can anybody Please help me! Don't want this to set me back on my exercise either.


  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    heat, massage, anti inflammatories, stretching.....oh are doing everything right......tincture of time will help
    TAMEKAHARDY Posts: 8 Member
    Unfortunately, you must stay off that leg.. Ice it 3 times a day for 15 minutes.. Not heat right now. It sounds like it is inflamed.. Also, take 3 advil.. But you must rest it in order for it to heal. What's more important??
  • Halothane
    Halothane Posts: 69 Member
    Rest, Ice, and just plain stay off of it for a few days. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories if you need some pain relief but be careful with them if you have GI or bleeding issues. Stay away from heat as it can enhance the inflammatory process and actually increase your pain/discomfort. Ice it several times a day for 15-20 minutes at a time to help reduce swelling/inflammation/discomfort.