
Do any of you happen to suffer from depression? Normally on days off, when my mind has time to itself I tend to get blue. Nothing major. And granted, I haven't been remotely suicidal in years! I know I've come a LONG way ...I see a major difference in myself from 6 mo's ago on back. Still. There are days. And today is one. I called in sick from work. Just want to cry and hide and sleep. The idea of facing patients and smiling seems impossible. I get annoyed at the just snap out of it and just do it attitudes. I would if I could...and on many a days, I do. My fiance would ask if I took my meds, and yes, I have. Guess I'm feeling a bit more down on myself because my depression hasn't been even a wee bit debilitating for some time.


  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I do I posted on my news feed and in my blog (on here) how I totally hit the brick wall
    yesterday I just woke up totally low and had been fine for months

    add me as a friend if you want :)
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Today I am with you sister. Sad as can be and fighting this familiar depressing feeling every minute.
  • It's that time of year. :) Hang in there, evaluate whether your meds or support needs a temporary boost, try to still get outside. A new hobby, or less time in own head can be helpful. hugs.
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Yes I suffer major depression and I am a stay at home mom and have lots of time to think. And boy can I think of since I was 5 till god know when and yes help sometimes but sometimes not so people can't even think of what it feels like to just want to hide and sleep and not be found, and this weightloss does not help! Add me we can talk some more......
  • I suffer with it. Its horrible. Lately ive been seriously struggling with it :( its awful. Have been battling it for just over half my life so far. Some days/times are easier than others. X
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I have GAD and mild depression. My doc just doubled my prescription (I was low dose) and told me to start supplementing 1500 IU of Vitamin D daily. It's been 2 weeks today, and I don't know if I've noticed a difference yet.
  • I have suffered with depression for so long I can hardly remember not being depressed. I wish there was a great quote or inspirational statement I could say here, but I just don't know how to get rid of it. I would like to say take it one day at a time and find someone to talk to when you are having a bad day. I have the same problem at my work putting on a smile for my patients, but crying on the inside or in my office. I feel for you and I wish you better days!!!:sad:
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    I meant meds helps sometimes and sometimes not
  • This post seems to come at the right time for me. Yes, I've experienced depression in the past and Yes, I am feeling down today. I think my depression hits harder the colder it is outside. I know this probably sounds like a broken record but try to get outside today. Whenever I feel like crap I know that doing all the normal rainy day type stuff (watch a favorite movie, read a book, have hot tea, ect ect) only make me feel WORSE! SO what do I do? I do something that I would do IF I were in a good mood, then I start to feel better :D for me that means going outside, visit the mall, go shopping, get some exercise, clean something! I hope this helps
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I live with chronic depression. There are days when I'm irritable, want to sleep all day and just isolate myself from everyone.

    I've found that the healthier I'm eating and the more exercise I get, the less the depression affects me.

    Living near Lake Michigan, we have what's known as the Permacloud, which basically makes everything dreary and cloudy from October til about March. That doesn't help either.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I have been on antidepressants since high school. I find myself using it alot as an excuse to be lazy. I get a little down and then I just stop moving. The challange is knowing when you truly need a day off to rebound or if you need to just soldier on. I've found it helps to have a plan in place for when the blue feelings start to creep in. If I'm at home, I play with my dogs for 5-10 minutes. Usually it will cheer me up enough to turn things around. If it doesn't, then I'll let myself take a nap or lounge on the couch for a hour or two. At work, I'll just get up for my desk and move around for a minute or two (bathroom break, quick errand, etc) and also get a snack to try to boost my energy.
  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    Depression is something that my mom has struggled with for as long as I can remember. I have those days as well, in fact...had one on Sunday. I think that allowing myself to sit and cry makes it worse...on the days that I feel like that I tell my best friend and we try to do something (walk in the park, funny movie, or game night), thistakes my mind off the sadness and helps a lot!

    feel free to add me if you want! we can help each other! :D
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    I am with you too, I am sad, and upset and depressed feeling. I feel moody and *****y, and snappy. I know I have been impatient with my daughter, I am fighting with my husband, I hate it. We are not getting along, he is not supportive and seems to only care about what he finds important aka hunting at this time of year. I am on depression meds also and most of the time I suck it up and put on a happy face for my daughter but today I have been in tears all day. I feel unwanted, unneeded, unappreciated, unimportant. I feel like no one cares about me or my feelings, especially my husband, and that I must be a horrible rotten person otherwise people would care more and be there for me more.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks ladies! Sometimes just hearing that "I am not alone" is enough to dismiss the helpless aspect of it. And on the plus side, at least I'm not tempted to binge on little debbie's as I would on a low day just a few months ago!
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 635 Member
    I don't suffer from depression so I can't really relate. However, there are days that I just want to stay in bed ( I know it's not the same). Try to get out, as said in prior post, just to get some fresh air. Don't watch TV, it can be depressing especially the news. Put on an uplifting DVD, CD and just dance around naked. :) With the blinds closed, or maybe not. :) hope you feel better and get out of this rut.

    After all said and done, just take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

    I relate on so many levels. I've tried so many combinations of meds over the past years and found 2 that do kind of work, but I've been just about as depressed as ever. And it's been years of this. I just keep on keepin' on. I know it's got to get better some day. It's just taking a really long time. And in the meantime, it sucks.

    I have bad days (or, I should say, worse days) from time to time. I did just this past Saturday. And it's just like you said...when the mind gets a chance to be with itself. I, too, have had those days where I just don't think I can face anybody. The days where it takes every ounce of willpower to just get out of the bed.

    I also know how it feels to get the comments from people who think you can just smile and feel better. That we can somehow smile our way out of this or think our way out. If it were so easy, don't you think we would have done that? And the meds, oh, the meds. Many people think they are happy pills, that we take them and become happy. Not so easy. I'm sure your fiance is only asking about taking your meds because he doesn't know what else to say or how to help. But yes, we can take our meds and still be horribly down for some random period of time.

    So we walk around in our lives and 99% of the people we know would be extremely surprised to know that we deal with chronic depression. We hide it well. Sometimes we even hide it from ourselves and for a few weeks or a few months, we even think we don't have it any more. And it makes it just that much more horrible and *depressing* when it rears its ugly head and shows us that it is still boss.

    (((((eelamme))))) I know I can't pick you up from where you are. If I could, I would. But know that it can't last forever. Just keep doing the right things and it will pass. I have faith that it will.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm totally with you all on this. My life was ruled by depression between the ages of 12 and 30. After many, many years on just about every medication out there and years of counselling I finally found a way out of the absolute blackness. I still get depressed but nothing on the level that it used to be. The big difference now is that I recognise the symptoms when they start to creep up and find ways of dealing with it - usually ringing my boyfriend, a friend or family member for a good old moan or getting out and hitting the hills and climbing until I'm too exhausted to think.

    You really can't underestimate the power of exercise and healthy eating and you are doing the right thing by coming on here and talking about it. When I was younger there was no internet to talk to other people on and get advice. I really thought I was the only one harming myself and feeling like I wanted out of this life. I've used message forums to get support to stop smoking, deal with my depression and mania, and now I'm hoping it will give me the rocket up my backside I so badly need to get fit and healthy.

    As everyone else has said, the darker days really don't help and definitely have an effect - so don't beat yourself up too much right now. Just keep logging on, looking forward... and be kind to yourself.
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I've suffered depression almost my whole life, I can honestly say my husband has beaten it back further than anyone or anything else ever has. He is a tough man , not quick to give sympathy bc hes been in the military for 18 years, even though it was extremely difficult being with him at first bc I was so easily broken, I can say I am 100 times stronger today, crying isn't something I feel the need to do very often anymore. I am blessed to have a man in my life who is exactly what I needed. I hope you find your strength and are able to beat this horrible thing that has consumed so many people. <3
  • Im with ya there girl...i dont have depression but i do have bipolar so i know the lows and how low they could go.if you ever wanna talk just add me or msg me.
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Wow, it's so amazing the sheer amount of support for whatever life throws at you here! :flowerforyou:

    I'm Bi-Polar II with GAD and I know what you mean about the struggle. Sometimes you have to make like a crop circle and lay the F down. If your mind won't stop racing listen to some music or read or write the thoughts down.

    Find strength in the fact that you've weathered this before and you will do it again. :heart: