New to this

Hi all!! I am a mother to 4 children, and grandmother to one grandson. I have lost 25 lbs. over the course of summer by walking more and watching how much and what i eat. I have such a desire to lose a lot more weight so i can watch the family i love grow up and be a role model to them. I have struggled with weight gain since my oldest was born over 20 years ago, and have at times lost 20 lbs. here and there, but can't seem to lose more than that it just pauses and stays there, if that makes sense. I am hoping i can stick to this and lose more over the winter and through the holidays. Good luck to you all, and please any advice would be awesome, and add as a friend if you would like to support me and i will in turn support you. Thank you


  • verqu
    verqu Posts: 5
    I know exactly how you feel.
    I also have lost 40 lbs in the past, but gained 30 of it back.
    I wish you all the best! And i hope you meet your goal!! :)
    Feel free to add me of you like.
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    Good luck! This site is awesome as well as all the supportive people.
  • ElvaM
    ElvaM Posts: 4
    Good Luck! We are here to support each other :~)
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    You are at the right place. Before finding this site, I had trouble losing anything but I have finally started losing so I could not be happier.
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Hi and welcome!
    Please add me if you wish. I'm always glad to get and give support and encouragement.
  • Janny2011
    You're in the right place, I discovered MFP 6 weeks ago & the encouragement & support of my new friends is fabulous. I have been successful up to a point before, but have never lost weight so quickly as now.
  • wilkin_rebecca
    wilkin_rebecca Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you all of you, love to hear the words of encouragement!!