Do you care enough to file a complaint?



  • ABetterBalance
    What about you? Do you feel that taking the time to file a complaint is worth the effort?

    If I receive absolutely horrible service, I will complain. Those instances are few and far between though. Having worked in a job that was largely customer service oriented, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt if it all possible.

    On the oher hand- if I receive exceptional service, I will call/email the supervisor to praise the employee. This also goes back to when I worked in a customer service oriented job- we once had a member of our gym call the corporate offices to tell them how much she enjoyed coming to our gym, and how helpful and friendly the manager and staff were. Corporate passed that info on to our owners and then to me- and it absolutely made my week!

    Whenever the opportunity presents itself to pass on similar praise to someone else, I try to do so.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    It depends-- I usually expect average service, especially from someone making minimum wage. So if something is REALLY BAD I might complain (depending on whether or not it matters to me) or if it's REALLY GOOD I try to make sure and mention to someone that I really appreciate the service. Anywhere in the middle I'm pretty ambivalent. :P Example-- my parents and I rented a boat on our vacation. We followed the instructions to a T but the motor broke down anyway. Then we called them as instructed and they told us to go ahead and try to use the motor to come back in. When we got halfway there it died completely, they had to come get us, and then they tried to charge my parents for the motor because they ran it after it started messing up (exactly as instructed by them 30 minutes earlier). It was going to be $800-- so yeah, that was worth complaining about. But if the guy sacking my groceries bags my bread wrong I'm not going to call his manager. If he bags everything perfectly I might call his manager to brag on him though :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Only if the place is somewhere I normally enjoy and they've failed me. Otherwise, I just wouldn't go back.
  • Scarletblue
    For me it's not about product if I recieve something and it is wrong I will just ask for it to be replaced and I ask nicely and they usually replace without a problem, mistakes happen thats life, roll your eyes, give me an attitude, whisper point then throw my replacement on the counter and say "here". I go Madea on your *kitten*.
  • FauxNinja
    I normally will wait and send an email or letter when I get bad service. However, to be fair, I will also send an email or letter when I get exceptional service.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    It depends-- I usually expect average service, especially from someone making minimum wage. So if something is REALLY BAD I might complain (depending on whether or not it matters to me) or if it's REALLY GOOD I try to make sure and mention to someone that I really appreciate the service. Anywhere in the middle I'm pretty ambivalent. :P

    ^^^^This. I've given way more compliments than complaints. It takes quite a bit for me to complain, but when I do I'm going to get satisfaction. Polite but firm. If that doesn't resolve it, I'll either move my complaint up the chain or never give them my money again.

    IMO, I don't have the right to complain if I'm not also willing to compliment.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I used to never complain, and honestly the thing that really bugs me is a bad attitude. I worked in customer service a lot and you needed to have the right attitude all the time. If you didn't screw up, and the customer is complaining, you take responsibility for it in the way you can - "I'm sorry that happened. Let me see what I can do for you". The place this irks me the most is my college. I am trying to get financial aid. Every week or two they will ask me to come in in person and supply them with some document. I have provided like 16 of their requirements. Somehow, they are not able to review my file all at once, and ask me for what they need. They have to take a break each time they find some requirement I haven't met. Its really ridiculous. And when I say anything about, it, they just look at me like its my problem. I have no problem getting them the info they need. I have a problem with them resetting the 4-6 week WAIT time every TIME they ask me for something else. The last thing they asked for was my diploma as proof. Even though that had been long ago provided to enrollment, and I have my assessment testing - they don't "share between departments". They wouldn't accept a faxed copy. I had to come in for the umpteenth time. Really obnoxious. That's just the way it is they say. I wouldn't be going there if it weren't for such a convenient loc, and the professors are good... but their red tape and policies are really annoying me.

    Long story short. Be nice. Be polite, and if you need to, voice your complaints as clearly and tactfullly as you can. Good customer service will do something about it - bad customer service will ignore it. If they don't deal with it appropriately, just take your business elsewhere.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I want to ask, do you care enough to give a compliment? If I get exceptional service I make it a point to say so.

    Same here...I've actually stopped to tell the manager at several restaurants on occasions where I had a particularly good waitress/waiter.

    I think that this is important. Compliments go a long way. Sometimes more than you know.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    If I feel I'm not being offered the service I'm supposed to, I'll always deal with it on the lowest level. If it's unsatisfactory, and I'm not a snob, I move to the next level. Mostly it's when I purchase something and it ended up being defective, but past it's return policy of 30 days.