Bike riding

I was wondering about those who like to ride their bike for some exercise. I started last week and have been trying to go 2-3 times a week about 6 miles each time. The other days I run...but the problem I am having is with the bike. The seat kills my booty! makes it so sore and it seems like it doesn't go away...I am on my 2nd week of riding my bike and I would have thought my butt would have gotten used to the I was wondering if anyone else has a prob with this? And if so does it ever go away. I have plenty of cushion on my tush too..ha ha! Should I just get a cushioned seat to stick on there (or do they even have those?) Anyway suggestions would be greatly appreciated or if you have this problem too...and if so when did if finally go away for you?


  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Get some riding shortswith a chami(padding). And give your booty time to adjust. Go to a GOOD bike shop and try out different saddles. Those are the 3 big ones. Also, if you really enjoy it, get a good quality bike that is fitted to you. Good choice on the bike riding!
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    lol....I had to get a cushioned seat for my bike, I think it has like memory foam or something in it. It really helps a lot!
  • Go to the store and get a different seat. THere arre some called saddle seats, a little wider than most. This makes a world of difference.
  • I ride quite a bit each Summer, but it's tough in the Winter. Every year, the first two or three weeks, my butt gets really sore. Just keep riding through it, and you should be fine in another week or so.

    I have a work buddy who rides A LOT. He rides 25 miles each way to work two or three days a week in the summer. He took most of a month off, and started again, and HE was really sore for a couple of days.

    Hang in there!
  • Indy_Mario
    Indy_Mario Posts: 532 Member
    I have the same problem with my bike. I got very excited to get it as a present for my birthday, but after ridding it a few times, my butt really hurts! It's sad to say, but I've been avoiding it lately because of it, and have been trying to walk a bit more instead. I know that they sell special shorts with gel inserts to aid, also gel padded seats. I also know that they can get expensive because you get what you pay for, that is the ones at wal-mart will give you very little comfort, as compared to the ones you might be able to get at your local bike shop. Also, your seat might be pointing up or down too much, you might wanna start with that first, make sure it's leveled
  • jdm0804
    jdm0804 Posts: 98 Member
    It could be any number of things. What I imagine it probably is is that you're not sitting on it right. You can adjust how far forward or back the seat is, or if you don't want to do it yourself you can take it to a bike shop and have them take a look. If that doesn't help, you may need a new seat or a padded cover. Also, as self-conscious as you might feel wearing them (I really do), bike shorts really help. Especially if you slather some chamois cream on.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I hate this and usually your booty gets use to it after a week or two. I would recommend a gel seat cover you can get at Wal-Mart or buy a new saddle with more cushion :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Don't get a cushioned seat. You just need to build up your "butt callace" so to speak. At only 6 miles a ride, I would say that will take awhile. Maybe bump up to 8-10? I know it sounds like a lot, but it will help!

    I love my butt callace and am building it back!

    I'm doing another bike race a the end of October! I did my first one two months ago and it was SCARY and great! LOL Mountain biking racing is different than road! WAY DIFFERENT! LOL

    Don't fret, it will come back! :)

    Yes Chamois butter is good (although i don't really use it) and padded bibs! :D
  • It does take some time for your butt to get used to riding, but it shouldn't really hurt. Discomfort, sure, but for the distances you're riding it shouldn't be really bothering you that much. This could be an issue with how your seat is positioned or how your bike fits you, putting too much weight on your butt and not enough on your legs and hands. If that's the case, then buying more stuff to put under your butt won't do anything for you. A thin layer of gel, whether it's in a seat or in shorts, isn't going to do anything if you have a full adult's body weight sitting on a couple of square inches.

    Go to a bike store where people seem to know what they're doing, and describe your problem. If the first thing they do is try to sell you products, without looking at how your bike is set up or how it fits you, then go someplace else.
  • Runninginafatsuit
    Runninginafatsuit Posts: 78 Member
    What helped me:

    1. Biking shorts with padding
    2. Lube in the more sensitive areas
    3. BIKING MORE. This is the biggest thing that helped. Good luck!
  • thanks everyone for your suggestions..very helpful! I will definitely look into the way my seat is adjusted..I am short (5'3") so I feel like it is right..but I will check again..I would love to get a wider seat because the original seat on it now is pretty narrow. I plan to eventually increase my distance in the near future...just that I am finally getting used to the 6 miles. When I started last week I was out of breath the first time...sad I know..ha ha! Thanks again everyone..I love this site..everyone is so's great :happy: