Extremely picky eater



  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    I'm utterly amazed at how many people are just telling the OP to suck it up and eat what is clearly not appetizing.

    Statements of that nature are what cause people to up and quit their weight loss journey.

    One thing I'm sure many of us can agree on is this isn't a diet it's a lifestyle and if you force yourself to do things against your own nature chances are you're setting yourself up for failure.

    Now that being said, you stated the few fruits and veggies and grains you do like, try having more of them in a fresh rather then processed manner, you can save youself a bunch of calories and sodium by using frozen or fresh foods and staying away from processed foods.... You'd mentioned chicken, this is a great "diet" food... It's typically low in fat, high in protein and 90% of the ways you can prepare it no carbs. Buy Fresh Chicken, stay away from chicken patties or nuggets because from the anatomy I've seen of a chicken they don't have patties or nuggets naturally LOL.

    As for the Fruits and vegetables. If you know what you like do some research find ones that might be similar and promise yourself you'll try one new fruit or vegetable a week. You might surprise yourself. Look for recipes that don't add a ton of fats or sodium but seem like they might add a ton of flavor. I recommend boiling and mashing up cauliflower, add a tiny bit of milk salt and butter for taste... it really does taste just like mashed potatoes if you happen to like them

    The sky is the limit and feel free to use your imagination, it's amazing what people come up with.

    Lastly, congratulations for joining MFP and turning to a community for help, this place has literally changed my life.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    triple post by accident
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Triple post by accident
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Like my man above said:

    suck it up and eat what is clearly not appetizing.

    It's crappy food choices that got you where you are now.

    If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    Like my man above said:

    suck it up and eat what is clearly not appetizing.

    It's crappy food choices that got you where you are now.

    If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

    That's not what I said, I said I can't believe people have the audacity to say such things.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Like my man above said:

    suck it up and eat what is clearly not appetizing.

    It's crappy food choices that got you where you are now.

    If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch.

    That's not what I said, I said I can't believe people have the audacity to say such things.

    You have your way and other people have theirs. Not all people need to be coddled. Sometimes a swift kick in the *kitten* is needed. If I were to have posted this topic, I would want blunt, honest answers AND helpful hints and alternatives. With the mix of people here, she got all the above. Toughen up buttercup! ;P
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member

    That's not what I said, I said I can't believe people have the audacity to say such things.

    Being a picky eater is clearly what got the person here.

    100% serious.

    If you were picky about only eating healthy food, it wouldn't be a problem.

    If junkfood was good for you, it wouldn't be a problem.

    If you are choosing NOT to make better food choices, you're pretty much choosing not to change.

    Not changing means being content with being complainy, unfit and unhappy.

    We're all speaking from experience.

    And basically saying, it's time to change your old ways, cause clearly that wasn't working.

    Habits need to change, playa.

    I'll be lookin back at you guys on the porch.
  • laurafentress
    First off, WOW I wish I would have never posted this. I thought I could get any ideas to try. I was very open and just wanted a listening ear. I could've dealt with how most people did say to just try it and keep at it and I would like it...Why does everything have to be harsh?? I thought this was about encouragement. I'll never post another thing on here to get such crude comments. First off I gained weight after my kids. I gained like 15 lbs. So do not tell me my picking eating got me this way!! I have been at 135 and I'm 29 and only gained it after like last kid. So please do not tell me it is because Im a picky eater. I just wanted help on healthy alternatives thats all. Just a bunch of rude people/. Thanks but no thanks to all u rude people.
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member

    That's not what I said, I said I can't believe people have the audacity to say such things.

    Being a picky eater is clearly what got the person here.

    100% serious.

    If you were picky about only eating healthy food, it wouldn't be a problem.

    If junkfood was good for you, it wouldn't be a problem.

    If you are choosing NOT to make better food choices, you're pretty much choosing not to change.

    Not changing means being content with being complainy, unfit and unhappy.

    We're all speaking from experience.

    And basically saying, it's time to change your old ways, cause clearly that wasn't working.

    Habits need to change, playa.

    I'll be lookin back at you guys on the porch.

    I never said to not make better food choices. In fact I outlined several ways to make better food choices that fit within what she's stated she already likes.

    However, telling someone they will fail if they don't eat more vegetables is utter BS. My Diary is public, I have lost 30 pounds in 75 days, by eating mostly meats, with very few vegetables and once a week I eat well over 4000 calories of mostly junk food. I do however strength train 3 to 4 days a week.

    This place is to help people make better choices and not condemn them because they don't like too many veggies or yogurt.

    As for the porch, I'm not on the porch anymore either, this place has changed my life but not from snarky comments about sucking it up.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    laurafentress - besides the few you mentioned:
    What vegetables *do* you like?
    What fruits *do* you like?

    Do you eat beans?

    Do you eat tofu?

    Perhaps if you were comfortable sharing what you *will* eat, it will be a better focus for you to work with?

    Not all of the posts were rude... there were several really good posts....
  • brucedelaney
    brucedelaney Posts: 433 Member
    laurafentress - besides the few you mentioned:
    What vegetables *do* you like?
    What fruits *do* you like?

    Do you eat beans?

    Do you eat tofu?

    Perhaps if you were comfortable sharing what you *will* eat, it will be a better focus for you to work with?

    Not all of the posts were rude... there were several really good posts....

    I agree, and this is another one of the good posts.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    If you have never had fresh veggies try picking up some at a local farmer's market. There is a world of difference in fresh than canned or frozen although frozen is a close second. If you can stand it, V8 is a good way to get in veggies. Have you tried dried beans or chilli with beans? I was never overly fond of yogurt until I tried the Choboni Greek Yogurt - love it. There are also some frozen fruit bars called whole fruit. I am not a big fruit lover but love these bars and the strawberry is like 70 calories. I make smoothies with 8 oz milk, 4 pecan halves and a banana. You can also use peach, strawberries, whatever you have. I usually only put pecans in the banana smoothie. Maybe something here will help you. Good Luck
  • laurafentress
    No I completely agree that there were good posts, I said to all u rude people thanks but no thanks.. I appreciated the ones that said try this or that, or try veggies a little and see if ur taste buds change.. I wanted options.. thats all....Not rude bring u down comments...I wanted encouragment that I had choices...
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    No I completely agree that there were good posts, I said to all u rude people thanks but no thanks.. I appreciated the ones that said try this or that, or try veggies a little and see if ur taste buds change.. I wanted options.. thats all....Not rude bring u down comments...I wanted encouragment that I had choices...

    To give you suggestions of specific food items, well.. sometimes its difficult to contribute them for fear you or someone posting a topic like this, might get frustrated because that suggestion is one of those "I dont like that"....

    There are always going to be other options, but really... it helps if you could list what you 'do' like to eat... and then suggestions could sprout from there...

    Every day at work, I cook up meals like no tomorrow... making options for gluten-free customers, dairy-free customers, low-carb customers... and Im one of the few who know how on-the-fly... but, they have to tell me they have these issues...

    If you could truly share with us what you DO eat... I betcha ideas would be flying so fast, we could bulk up this thread with TONS of suggestions! LOL! Heck, we might even flood the server handling this thread! (its happened on my facebook page ! HILLARIOUS!)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    This is exactly the kind of talk that stops many people trying to lose weight before they even start...

    You do NOT need to eat like a rabbit to lose fat!

    I'm the same OP. I dont eat any veg, and very little fruit. I take my vitamins+minerals tablet, and my fish oil. I watch my calories, exercise 6 times a week, and I've never felt better.

    If i forced myself to eat crap i dont like, there's no one in hell it'd last. Doing what i do means i can do this forever. And sustainability is the most important thing in order to not put it back on again.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    This is exactly the kind of talk that stops many people trying to lose weight before they even start...

    You do NOT need to eat like a rabbit to lose fat!

    I'm the same OP. I dont eat any veg, and very little fruit. I take my vitamins+minerals tablet, and my fish oil. I watch my calories, exercise 6 times a week, and I've never felt better.

    If i forced myself to eat crap i dont like, there's no one in hell it'd last. Doing what i do means i can do this forever. And sustainability is the most important thing in order to not put it back on again.

    no one said she had to eat like a rabbit.... she is looking for options as she self admits being an extremely picky eater...
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Yes, and she can eat what she likes, just in moderation, and achieve her goals, same way i am! :)
  • krbn2
    krbn2 Posts: 98 Member
    I have a problem eating plants, and the best advice I ever heard was to try them prepared in different ways.

    I don't like leafy salads--a few months ago I stared down a gladware container full of "baby greens" and swore to never salad as lunch again. But I like spinach in omelets. I like kale in stir-fry. I'll eat chard in a veggie lasagna.

    Vegetables can be roasted, steamed, sautéed, boiled, baked, grilled...and I probably missed a few other ways they can be prepared. If you don't like your veggies raw, try them roasted. Then try them steamed. Bake them in an omelet! You get the idea. Add some lemon juice. Or soy sauce.

    Like I said, I'm no fan of leafy salads, but I'll eat a whole cucumber that's spent time in my lunchbox soaking in white wine vinegar and soy sauce, with lots of black pepper. I spent my childhood disgusted by asparagus, but now I'll eat it the way I cook it: in a skillet so hot it crisps burnt spots on the sides touching the pan. (I have to turn the vent on above the stove or the smoke detector goes off.) Then I add some lemon juice. I can be convinced to eat baby carrots and broccoli with ranch dressing, if I have to. But I don't have to be convinced to eat a bowl full of shredded carrots that have been sauteed with cinnamon and curry powder. Or roasted broccoli with plenty of salt.

    The problem isn't necessarily that you don't like vegetables. It could be that you just haven't found the right ones, cooked the right way. Look up some vegetarian websites, or peruse food network or allrecipes or the gourmet/bon appetite archives for veggie recipes. Change the texture and the spices if you dislike something: do you like mushy carrots (my mom does, with butter and lemon juice) or completely raw (my husband, with basalmic vinegar) or just slightly cooked (me, as evidenced above)? Good luck!
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I have only recently started to eat more vegetables, how about having fresh soup everyday for lunch to get your vegetable count? Thats what I started to do and now I actually quite enjoy my veg. I have also started eating lots of chicken casseroles and things like that, plenty of fresh carrots, green beans and onions go into them :)
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I hit post then thought of something else, one of the main reasons that I did not like vegetables in the first place was because they were generally tinned or not fresh, it has been mentioned lots of times but to reiterate - fresh vegetables are much tastier than tinned, and another thing people do often is over cook them which completely spoils them.

    Good luck!