How do you do it?

And I mean keep a positive attitude when it comes to helping others. When I first signed up, I wanted to share all I knew with any who'd listen, start some discussions, make the world a better place.

Alas, it seems all too often the voices of reason are drowned out by 'common (mis)information', or 'hey look that fit person did it by cutting ALL carbs out of their diet and drinking pregnant lady p**s!' or 'you MUST do this, you NEED to do that!'.

And it's frustrating! Every time I see a thread with an honest question from a newbie, it quickly becomes inundated with bad, incorrect instructions, and rarely does someone bother trying to dig at the underlying principles dealing with the problems that whatever the OP wanted to address. As someone who prides themself on trying to do their research thoroughly on ANY topic (not just health and fitness), I feel a small twitch whenever I read obviously incorrect information being spread.

I for one, feel increasing cynical and pessimistic the longer I hang around fitness forums like this. I've become increasingly bitter and retortful at people who probably in all honestly either phrased something incorrectly or just plain don't know. And to the many people who I've probably been quite rude to recently, I apologize.

At the same time, I see some people on here, day after day, touting the same solid base of knowledge that needs to be the foundation of healthy active living ALL THE TIME. And I must ask, how do you do it? How do you not get tired of saying the same thing so many times? How do you put up with trying to correct the existing mis-information and commercial lies? Is it some in-human level of patience? Do you ctrl+c, ctrl+v everything you say? What do YOU think it will really take to get EVERYONE on the same page?


  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I think you need to let this go if it's stressing you out so much. Does it matter that much? I mean if people have half a brain they will figure things out for themselves eventually. Not everyone HAS to be on the same page in my opinion. What works for one may not work for another.
  • whisperingdragon
    I never thought of it like that. That's probably why it doesn't bother me..
  • jaramae
    jaramae Posts: 100 Member
    I agree that don't let it get to you too much. There's always going to be misinformed people, people who are unaware or people who give info based on their experiences not always taking into account that everyone is different. I think its important for forums such as these where advice is given out in different forms to essentially aim for the same result people need to always figure out what's best for them. I think their own body will tell them if what they're doing isn't right. People also get their information from a variety of sources, many of whom are fitness and health sources who also roll out their information and opinion. Everything must always be taken with a grain of salt and further investigation. Don't stress too much about it. Everyone finds their own way. Share your knowledge and leave it at that. the OP will take it for what it is and figure out for themselves what their own truth to be.

    Sharing knowledge is empowering and discussion helps to being about options and alternatives and added info. These forums have always been great help to me, though I certainly don't follow all of it. If nothing else, its just nice to see so many people trying to help however they can to improve their own lives and the lives of others through support.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I figure that the bad advice isn't so bad it will kill the person if they believe it without looking it up first. Just imagine all of the dumb things people do without consulting the forums first... and walk away. People learn much better from their mistakes than the advice they decided to take.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    It really doesn't bother me at all. If you ask enough people on any topic, you will get different answers, different opinions. We are all different.