17 Day Diet

Has anyone tried the 17 Day Diet? If so, what are you thoughts and experiences?

The 17 Day Diet includes four cycles:

In this initial phase you dramatically reduce your intake of carbohydrates to promote fat burning, cleansing and rapid weight loss.
This 17 Day Diet phase involves carbohydrate cycling, which has the purpose of resetting your metabolism to stimulate fat burning and prevent plateaus.
You reintroduce some previously restricted foods and will learn how to develop healthy eating habits.
The final phase allows you to maintain your goal weight by eating a healthy diet during the week and indulging in your favorite foods on the weekends.
During all of the four phases of the 17 day Diet there is an emphasis on clean eating and the avoidance of sugar and all processed foods.


  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    That's what I used to jump start my "healthy journey" back in March of this year. I made it thru the first 2 phases, then.... it just all kicked in. I also found MFP around that time, and I have been logging my food since then. I still apply some of the same principles.... which is basically just eating more healthy, less processed foods/sodium, lean meats and lots of veggies.
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    awesome! thank you!
  • BittLynne
    BittLynne Posts: 38 Member
    What are all the phases?
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi, I am on the 17 day diet. I think its the best eating plan Ive ever done, Im so glad I stumbled on it. Are you from the US or the UK? Not many people know about it in the UK where Im from. I have done Weightwatchers and Slimming World before this and used to have the best results on Weightwatchers but they have recently changed their Points system to ProPoints and I found it didnt work for me and slowed my weight loss right down.

    I started the 17 day diet on Juy 4th and have lost around 30 pounds since then. I only have 7 to lose as of today. I started Weightwatchers at the end of January and up to the 4th July had only lost 1 stone 2 pounds, or 16 pounds in total in like 5 months.

    I tried the 17 day diet out of desperation as I am getting married next March and wanted to get down to my goal weight before then and I was worried about running out of time if I stayed on Weightwatchers, the slow loss was getiing me demotivated too.

    The initial phase is tough, very very limited carbs and a restrictive food list, but it was still do-able. I work full time and have 5 children at home so if I can do it, anyone can. I lost 10 and a half pounds in the first 17 days. The second cycle slowed down for me and I lost 4 pounds in the next 17 days after that. Then in the third cycle I lost around six. I have been back through the cycles and am on the 3rd Cycle for the second time just now.

    My weight loss has slowed right down but that is to be expected as I am now in the 'normal' range of the BMI chart and I only have 7 pounds to lose. Last week though I still lost 1 and a half pounds. Most weeks I lose between 1 and 2 pounds consistently which is much faster than Weightwatchers. I have stalled this week but I am pretty sure this is due to me increasing my exercise by adding the 30 day shred to my workouts. I am confident I can lose this seven pounds before christmas.

    I am also convinced this diet could work for life and I will not yo-yo like I have done previously. A lot of what Dr Mike Moreno says makes a hell of a lot of sense. I think if you are thinking about it then do it-the book is not expensive and teaches you good eating habits. It has literally educated me more about food in the last three months than I have learnt in the rest of my entire life. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want any more information on it.

    Emma x
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member

    Thank you so much for your feedback!!! I have been trying to lose weight on and off for 3 years with not a lot of luck and a lot of discouragement. I've been "seriously" trying to lose weight since June and I only lost 6 lbs. An acquaintance of mine posted a picture of herself on facebook after losing 45 lbs on the 17 day diet, so I decided to look into it. A lot of people on here dismiss it as a fad diet, but after reading part of the booking (I'm still working through it), it seems like the first phase is about detox and the second and third phases are about retraining your body. Seems like a good deal to me and I could use the encouragement of initial rapid weight loss.

    Your feedback has really helped me to make the decision to give it a try. Thank you so much!
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    HI, it is not a fad diet. I would maybe agree with that if you just decided to do the first 17 days for a quick weight loss then went straight back to your normal habits-I think then you would lose the weight initially then slowly put it back on. How much do you want to lose? The more you have to lose, the more you will lose initially.

    The point of the cycles it to have a detox (the rapid phase) then gradually reintroduce carbs back into the diet so when you do hit goal you can eat like a normal person!! Im incycle 3 again and its pretty much similar to a wws plan except I choose not to have carbs at night (although you can do this if you want) and the emphasis is on fresh produce and as little processed food as possible.

    Hey all eating plans are different and this may not work for everyone but it most definitely worked for me!! I just accepted your firend request. Please give it a try and if you are interested and you are on Facebook I am part of a 17 day diet private support group with about 70 members who are very knowledgable about the 17dd. If you want to join this group also then let me know. Any questions in the meantime then give me a shout xx I would be happy to help x
  • shiransom
    shiransom Posts: 83 Member
    I want to lose 50 lbs. I'm at 165 now and my goal is 115. I started the diet yesterday and I've already lost 2 lbs. I would love to join the group! Thank you!