Weigh to go, me!

Hi to everyone - I'm new here but hope to be around awhile, since I figure it will take me awhile to lose 35 pounds, and a lifetime to keep up a healthy lifestyle.

I lost 50 pounds seven years ago, and managed to keep forty of it off for about six years. Then I tore my Achilles tendon (drama I would wish on no one) and was in a big orthopedic boot for a total of eight months, which really worked a number on my whole left leg and ankle. Surgery repaired the tear but left me with a very stiff, painful ankle (still better than the alternative though!), and an atrophied calf muscle.

Through all this, I gained about fifteen pounds and I had already gained ten of the fifty back (which I wasn't beating myself up about till I piled on the fifteen this year). So - I'm still way ahead of when I was morbidly obese but now I'm feeling frumpy and flabby and middle aged and I DON'T LIKE IT! So - I'm going to change it. I did it before and I'm doing it again.

No tricks - eat less and exercize more. In order to lose weight, I have to keep my calorie count below 1200 (1400 or so when I am exercizing regularly). For me, writing down everything I eat is what works - as well as writing down my exercize (I hate to not be able to note any exercize at the end of the day!). At that low calorie count, I really have to make a concerted effort to eat healthy, whole foods rather than processed foods. But I know I can do it.

On my profile, I put a picture from a year ago, then my current FAT picture, and then a picture of me at my best weight. I know i will never be slim - I am a muscular, tall type and have never been petite a day in my life. I just want to be healthy, and to get there by eating right and being active.

Doesn't seem that hard - now that I have recovered from my ankle drama.

I'm looking forward to getting to know some forum members. Good luck to all of us!


  • egillespie5
    Why don't I just rub that ice cream right into my thighs? That's where it will end up anyway.

    Love that quote, lol! I always tell my husband (while he eats ice cream, chocolates, candy in front of me) "Better on your thighs than mine!" Although he's the type to eat that mess & wake up 2 pounds lighter while I just look at it & gain 2! Oh well, welcome to MFP & best of luck!:happy:
  • mariselvaguzman
    hellow my name is mariselva guzman and i am new to this program i just hope i don't for get to wrigh down my daily intake
  • ItsFunToBeMe
    Thank you! I really like this forum. I found it via my phone and I liked the app, so decided to check out the forum. I am feeling pretty confident after four days of sticking to the program like a nun sticking to her vows!