Have a Lazy Boyfriend/Hudband?

Being in love is a fun way to pass the time. Dates, kisses, and cuddles — who doesn't like that kind of stuff? But what if your boyfriend is more into Cheetos than crunches? Before picking up his habits, follow these tips so you'll stay healthy even when he's not.

He's a Cuddle Monster
There's absolutely nothing wrong with time spent under the covers, as long as you remember to come up for air! The more time you're spending cuddling on the couch watching TV and movies probably means you have less time for yourself. Often the first thing that goes when you're in a relationship are your daily visits to the gym, Sunday morning yoga classes, or Saturday evening runs. Instead of sacrificing your entire fitness regimen, schedule it into your life the same way you treat your time together. Fit in a yoga class before you meet for dinner or use these tips to squeeze in a workout during a lunch break. Wake up a little early to hit the trail for a run, or let your partner know that you're dedicating a few hours of each week to your fitness regimen.

The Boy Loves to Eat (and Drink)
Whether it's the dinners out, happy hours, or ordering takeout, it's a wonder we eat healthy in relationships at all! Instead of cooking separate meals every night, use these tips to make healthy compromises in the kitchen. And don't be afraid to take the reigns! Offer to cook dinner while he plays prep cook — you get to plan a healthy, tasty meal with the bonus of spending time together in the kitchen. Same goes for a night on the town. From sharing an appetizer to loading up on veggies, there are many ways to eat healthy when dining out together. And instead of splitting an entire bottle of wine or a Scorpion Bowl, order a low-calorie cocktail instead.

Fun-but-Fatty Dates
County fairs, the latest restaurant, or your local bowling alley — all fun date spots, but maybe not so great for your waistline. Instead of chucking the fun times altogether, play a role in planning dates. Choose one of these fun and flirty fitness dates, or if you think your man won't go for a day of bike riding, choose something fun and active that won't feel like exercise. A hike, night of dancing, or a walk around the city will all fit the bill!


  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    Excellent advice! I totally get what you're saying and I applaud your take on women not sitting around waiting for someone else to make their decisions for them. On the other hand, your perspective still says, basically, "if you get fat it's his fault because he's a lazy boyfriend/husband." I surely can't speak for all men, but I think your piece would have been better-titled, "How Not to "Let Go" While Dating" and leave him out of it altogether.

    The only reason I do most of the things you describe is because it’s worked so many times before…. How often do guys take a hit because we won't cuddle? How often are single guys found at the county fair with a pretzel hanging out of their mouths trying to win a teddy bear for their bed? What would most women think if we offered to make them a salad for dinner? But offer to make lasagna and they melt…How often do we prepare lasagna or any complicated and high-calorie meal for themselves? Do we typically (underline) eat a lot of take out and drink high-calorie beverages? Sure, but your post doesn't mention that we're still in decent shape because we work 12 hours a day, workout 3-4 times a week, we generally don't eat as poorly as what you think we do, we enjoy playing team sports, we're constantly move and never, ever, go to our boys and say, "I think I'm putting on a few pounds because SHE's making me cuddle, go on fun-but-fatty dates, and eat poorly in general." I’d stab myself in the face with a fork first.

    I do truly like what you’re saying though; you seem to be advocating for women to stand up and be equals. To take responsibility to the key to all dieting: putting the fork down. A lot of us (men) don’t mind sharing the reigns and would actually prefer to get back to hiking, camping, hunting, sports, mountain biking, going to the gym, etc. before the girl came along! :D
  • Estela565
    Kudos for you! You said it!!!!
  • Estela565
    Sounds like an article for cosmo magazine or some other girly mag... Pretty cool tho I didn't read all of it...