Strangely Sexy

ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
My husband is a college soccer coach. I've been to lots of his games over the years, but yesterday was the first time I was right there when they had the after-game talk. The game didn't go well, and they lost 1-5, the last 4 goals coming in the final 20 minutes. After the team talked, and most of them left, he got down on one knee to chat with the keeper (goalie) who was sitting, head down, feeling terrible. I couldn't hear what he was saying, as I wasn't that close. But, what I did see what my husband, talking this kid out of his funk. He told me that he didn't tell him it was okay, and he did fine, just suggestions on what they could work on to improve for next game. There were several literal pats on the back. By the end of their talk, the kids head was held high, and he seemed to have a resolve to work hard to help his team better next time.

The hubs and I are having some issues, but at that moment, I wanted to jump him! I was so proud of him. He's also a college professor, and have seen him in that role, but this was different. The kid was broken, and my husband pulled him out of it. I'm not sure what it was about this situation, maybe that it's a glimpse into what is to come for my children.

Anyway, what sorts of things have you noticed that really turn you on to your SO, besides the obvious!!! :-)


  • JulieBoBoo
    I was hiking with my boyfriend on pretty well travelled trails when we came upon a family that was all dressed up heading to the lookout to take portraits. He grabbed my hand, pulled me close and said "oh look at that little girl in the red shoes! How cute is she?" and that's when I knew I would marry him. I was still a little unsure because I wanted kids pretty badly at the time and I was worried he didn't because he was never around children and didn't have a clue about little kids, so that moment really brought home to me that he actually did want kids too and we were on the same path.

    We've been together ever since (started dating 1998, married 2000) and I still think he's super sexy.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I am so happy to hear this. This is a proclamation of adoration! Mine does that for me when he says something that he normally wouldn't that is completely kind, yet out of character. It warms all my pretty places... :heart:
  • Whitneylol
    Awww these are all cute. I have nothing to add :) single as they come!
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    For me its the little things....When he holds my hand in the car, when he opens the door for me, the fact that he is a fantastic father and does absolutely anything and everything for his kids and mine, the way he makes me laugh....I absolutely ADORE him
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Just seeing my husband with our kids, nephews or any kids really. He really gets on their level and plays with them. And now that my oldest nephew is a teen he mentors him and really is there for him. So hot. And working on my hubbys truck with him. HOT.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    It's the way he treats my kids! I had my twins with my ex-husband, who is the best father he knows how to be, but I certainly won't be nominating him for father of the year. My current bf is amazing with my kids - and that's no easy feat. He loves them with his whole heart, and it shows. His face lights up when they draw a picture for HIM at school, or get excited to share their day with HIM.

    It's also about the little things. Like when he gets home from work before I do, he makes that extra effort to make sure I walk in to a clean and tidy house...even if that just means folding the one blanket that was on the couch from last night. I notice the little things, and I love him more every day for each and every one of them!
  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    Does "he" know these things ladies? Just sayin.... Great stories.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    he loves my kids as much as me.. that to me is the sexiest thing ever.

    They aren't his kids, but he is constantly telling me how awesome they are.

    It's long distance and when I have them we'll skype or facetime twice a week just so they can see eachother.
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Does "he" know these things ladies? Just sayin.... Great stories.

    That seems really obvious, but no, i didn't tell him! Thanks for the reminder. Guess we all need to make sure we share with our SO what it is they do that we love. Maybe they'll make a point to do it more often!! Seems like a win/win!!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Mine coaches our kids in soccer. My 4-year old's league is still coed. There was a little girl who REFUSED to play because she was very shy and timid..... wouldn't even step foot on the field. Instead of sitting her out and letting another kid play instead, he took her hand and ran right with her, coaxing her to play so she didn't have to do it alone. He looked funny as hell (he's 6' 1", 200 lbs.) running around with these 4-year old boys and girls but it was cute. And... yes, he knew it turned me on. :blushing:
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    My husband is a college soccer coach. I've been to lots of his games over the years, but yesterday was the first time I was right there when they had the after-game talk. The game didn't go well, and they lost 1-5, the last 4 goals coming in the final 20 minutes. After the team talked, and most of them left, he got down on one knee to chat with the keeper (goalie) who was sitting, head down, feeling terrible. I couldn't hear what he was saying, as I wasn't that close. But, what I did see what my husband, talking this kid out of his funk. He told me that he didn't tell him it was okay, and he did fine, just suggestions on what they could work on to improve for next game. There were several literal pats on the back. By the end of their talk, the kids head was held high, and he seemed to have a resolve to work hard to help his team better next time.

    The hubs and I are having some issues, but at that moment, I wanted to jump him! I was so proud of him. He's also a college professor, and have seen him in that role, but this was different. The kid was broken, and my husband pulled him out of it. I'm not sure what it was about this situation, maybe that it's a glimpse into what is to come for my children.

    Anyway, what sorts of things have you noticed that really turn you on to your SO, besides the obvious!!! :-)

    If you are having issues...THIS is why you will get through them. If you haven't told him how much you admire his so. And in that, tell him its one of the reasons you love him. Remember, life will bring you many challenges to your relationship. But if you both honor and respect the vows you took and why you got mariied...those challenges are nothing more than a pebble on the path.
  • Estela565
    I totally agree... Tell them :-) Is ok to show them appreciation, it does wonders fir any relationship...
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I like watching my husband build stuff. He's naturally talented and just gets in the zone. There's something very manly about sweat and sawdust. Lol
    Also, I love hearing him explain something to our three year old, play with our one year old, praying with them at bedtime.
    And when he's preaching a sermon on a topic that has affected him recently or a lesson he's learned. He is such a man of integrity and faith. The spiritual connection is such a big part of our relationship that all the other areas really work well because of it.

    Thanks for the reminder to brag up our SOs. One of the best pieces of advice we got was: be each others best cheerleaders. :-)
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I love to stay behind my husband when we run. I find it so sexy to watch him while hes running.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    When we go to beer meetings and my man friend is talking beer and sounding all intelligent and whatnot. Sharing his experiences and how to make great beer. Definitely gets me all squishy:)
  • Estela565
    The other day i went On a 4 hour drive to visit my date. I decided to drive last minute bc I had missed the train... I called him to let him know I was driving and well ... Mid drive I call him & he tells m he's meeting me halfway... I found that so sweet of him. We had a great time together ...
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    My husband is a college soccer coach. I've been to lots of his games over the years, but yesterday was the first time I was right there when they had the after-game talk. The game didn't go well, and they lost 1-5, the last 4 goals coming in the final 20 minutes. After the team talked, and most of them left, he got down on one knee to chat with the keeper (goalie) who was sitting, head down, feeling terrible. I couldn't hear what he was saying, as I wasn't that close. But, what I did see what my husband, talking this kid out of his funk. He told me that he didn't tell him it was okay, and he did fine, just suggestions on what they could work on to improve for next game. There were several literal pats on the back. By the end of their talk, the kids head was held high, and he seemed to have a resolve to work hard to help his team better next time.

    The hubs and I are having some issues, but at that moment, I wanted to jump him! I was so proud of him. He's also a college professor, and have seen him in that role, but this was different. The kid was broken, and my husband pulled him out of it. I'm not sure what it was about this situation, maybe that it's a glimpse into what is to come for my children.

    Anyway, what sorts of things have you noticed that really turn you on to your SO, besides the obvious!!! :-)

    If you are having issues...THIS is why you will get through them. If you haven't told him how much you admire his so. And in that, tell him its one of the reasons you love him. Remember, life will bring you many challenges to your relationship. But if you both honor and respect the vows you took and why you got mariied...those challenges are nothing more than a pebble on the path.

    Thank you. I appreciate your insight. I do think we'll be okay, just have to work to rebuild the trust... :flowerforyou: