Ive been very naughty, really struggling with Motivation

Hey Guys,

About a 5 weeks ago i had a motor bike accident which left me with a fractured ankle. I couldn't exercise and had to rest my leg. Therefore I became very bored and to kill the boredom I ate.

I was doing so well, seeing results and feeling better about myself. Now I'm am feeling frumpy and my motivation is at an all time low. You would think that the results i did see before would help spur me on but its like i have a block, grown lazy.

What made me come on here today however is the fact that i had bumped into a lady at work who i hadn't seen for a while and she looked great. She had lost weight and looked really happy. I asked her how she did it and she said basically watching what she ate, nothing after 7 and Zumba twice a week.

I thought right get my butt on myfitnessplan and ask for help and support. So here i am asking and hope to hear from you all soon xoxox

: )


  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
  • Well let's get back on track! There's plenty you can do without putting stress on that ankle. 95% of what you will do is mental. So, let's get back on that horse and remember how good you felt when you were doing "right". Good Luck!
  • Hey Guys,

    About a 5 weeks ago i had a motor bike accident which left me with a fractured ankle. I couldn't exercise and had to rest my leg. Therefore I became very bored and to kill the boredom I ate.

    I was doing so well, seeing results and feeling better about myself. Now I'm am feeling frumpy and my motivation is at an all time low. You would think that the results i did see before would help spur me on but its like i have a block, grown lazy.

    What made me come on here today however is the fact that i had bumped into a lady at work who i hadn't seen for a while and she looked great. She had lost weight and looked really happy. I asked her how she did it and she said basically watching what she ate, nothing after 7 and Zumba twice a week.

    I thought right get my butt on myfitnessplan and ask for help and support. So here i am asking and hope to hear from you all soon xoxox

    : )

    You've made a good decision!!! if you need an extra friend for support feel free to add me :) I try to comment on people's progress when I find the time. is your ankle still fractured? maybe right now you can just focus on logging everything you eat!! that might slow down your "bored eating"
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Sorry to hear about the wreck. Good to know you survived. I too ride.

    Just because one extremity is out of commission doesnt mean you cant work the others. Maintain your goals, stay focused, and you'll get right back where you want!

    Feel free to add
  • You can do it!!! We all have down periods when we can find no motivation. What is important is how you rebound from this. Add me if you like and we can encourage each other on
  • Good luck, I just joined this site yesterday myself and so far I love it here! I had a baby 3 months ago and trying to get rid of baby weight...You can do this, good luck on your journey, its so much better with other people to help motivate you, there are several people in my office at work all doing this together and we all joined this site together!
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    you can do it! think back on how good you were starting to feel about yourself and want that back! log in here as often as you can and read the success stories, log whatever you eat whether good or bad and that will help you get back on track as well! we are all here for the same reason and will support each other through it!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member

    Welcome! You have found a home and the BEST place to find support. Doing this alone is SO tough. Trust me I tried for YEARS and all I did was get heavier and heavier, more and more unhealthy and unhappy. The support and fellowship that every member provides here is un-measureable! Please, feel free to add me as a friend. I will gladly stand by your side. I know you said that you fractured your ankle so I am not sure exactly what, if any exercise you can do, however, I highly recommend you go into the community and search for challenges. Foods, fitness, whatever you feel you are up to at this point and time. I joined one and my facilitator is awesome. She is tough, and in your face, but she makes you stay accountable. Keep in touch, well do this journey together!

  • law623
    law623 Posts: 2
    Hey Erin,

    I know how you feel. I was going to the gym for a full year and went up and down like a yoyo. I just couldnt stop myself from eating even when I wasnt hungry. I've been doing this "fitness pal" for a while and I feel that it helps so much to track my food and hear from other people that are having a hard time too. I'm 40 yrs old, 3 kids, married for 11 years. I'm 5ft 3in. I went up to 180lbs. This morning I was 164.... Still far from my goal but I really feel like I'm gonna get there this time. Keep pushing yourself. This sucks but when you get to where you wanna be, imagine how you're gonna feel!? Terrific and full of energy! Keep up with your food diary and you'll see. When I keep up with it, it helps alot!!! Good luck!!! You can do it!
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 159 Member
    add me this site really helps
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    ← is always naughty. deliciously so.
  • erintumbridge
    erintumbridge Posts: 23 Member
    :happy: awwwwww you guys are great, wow all those responses so quickly, really made me smile and feel a lot better about things.

    You know what really gets me is when i try on old clothes and they are tight, or when i try on new and they look terrible on me. I look at my stomach, the rolls on my back and it upsets me.

    I need to get back into my routine and make it a new part of my life for moving forward and out of the endless cycle of yo-yo ing from big to small.

    I had my ankle checked last week and it has healed nicely. The ligaments however will take longer. I am starting physio tomorrow so i can find out more about what i can do then.

    Thank you again for all your comments, i went on a rampage adding you all for moral support :flowerforyou:
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    YOU CAN ADD ME! i have no broken ankle and i STILL struggle with my motivation. i go through surges where i'm "on it", then fall back. this site helps me to stay on track.........it's become a daily ritual to log on here....