Heel pain?

If I walk for a long time, I have a pain in my left heel. A year ago I used to walk a lot, and in December I started having the heel pain. It comes only when I walk a lot. What could it be? My friend said it could be a hairline fracture, but shouldn't it have been healed by now? Any shoes you recommend?


  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    Could be plantar fasciitis or heel spurs... either way,,have it cehcked~
  • CamiXiomara
    I had the same thing happen to me. I went to the doctor - orthopedists - and had a few x-rays on my right heel. It happened to be early onset of arthritis. I know. I was shocked too, but at least I know what I have. I tie my heel with bandages and this helps a lot. I also stretch properly to make the joint a lot more nimble.
  • purpletrillium
    Do you have gel inserts or cushions in your shoes? I had plantar fasciits last year, which usually is just in one heel, a sharp pain. I wore an ankle brace at night for about a month. It happens when you irritate a tendon in the foot from running or landing on your heel too hard. Now I try to use inserts.
  • dedication227
    It could be a heel spur. I have 2 of them and this is what happens. Google Heel spurs and check the exercises they give for that. Give me update when you find out.
  • mountiemama
    I could be a heel spur but it also could be something called plantar fascitis, which is what I have. It started as a pain in my heel but eventually became foot pain in the mornings, as soon as I got out of bed, or anytime after I had been sitting for a while. You can get shots in your feet for it, but I'm not going down that road. I just make sure I always have on good shoes, do not wear flip flops at all, and do a lot of movement and stretching of my feet and ankles when I am sitting or laying down. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a pair of Skechers Shape Ups and they, honestly, are the best things I have ever had on my feet. Good luck to you!
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    Could be your achilles tendon. I have a 10 year old dealing with a torn one right now. painful! Go get it checked out! Good luck, hope you feel better soon!
  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    I also have pain in my left heel, and I've gotten it checked out and turns out it's plantar fasciitis. I could recommed freezing a water bottle and then rolling your foot out on it. Rolling the foot helps to force the muscle to release any tension, while the cold helps bring down inflammation from overuse.

    Still though, getting it check out might be your best bet, but what you're describing sounds identical to my issue.
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I am still recovering from a heel fracture, and I don't think you have one -- mine hurt all the time for the few weeks after the injury, even when it was in a boot with most of the pressure off of it. I'd still get it checked, as the others have suggested. At least you'll know what to do differently, and how to take care of it.