Weight Watchers

Has anyone tried the Weight Watchers Online program? If so, how did you like it and would you recommend it along with all the wonderful & Inspiring support we get here on MFP? I am considering joining WW but I need pro's and con's to make a positive commitment! :flowerforyou:


  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Personally, I'm doing better on mfp than I did on weight watchers, either online or going to actual meetings
  • Dont bother. if you know the basics such as potion control and such or dont mind searching them on here its a waste of money. worth it if you plan on going to meetings and using the local support group that way... but this is WAY better.
  • brl77
    brl77 Posts: 4
    I am using WW for the food program and love it! I lost 4 pounds this week. I am also trying to stay as paleo as possible, which helps. With fruits and veggies being 0 in WW I get to eat A LOT! Good luck!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Same - I did WW and it took me 6 months to lose 20lbs and then i hit that plateau and never looked back. I have been here since May and lost 50lbs - the support here is amazing and i will be a lifer. The thing with WW is they dont assess points to fruits and veggies - but they all have calories so you could very easily go over if youre not careful. My opinion - save your pennies and stay put here - its a wonderful place! Feel free to friend me if youd like.
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I did WW a few years ago.... stayed on the program for over a year... lost about 35 lbs. But I go tired of having to live my life by counting points, counting points, counting points! So I stopped.... and over the 2 years gained all the weight back. Since I started MFP, I've lost 17 lbs. in 3 months and I find it much much easier to just count calories. It doesn't seem like as much of a chore as WW was.

    That's just me...... some people love WW.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I did WW on-line for 2 months last year. lost 15 pounds, stopped, gained it all back.

    I started again Jan. 23 this year. I stopped logging food within 2 weeks (probably within a week) because I realized I wasn't coming close to my point total and had an understanding of what I could eat. given that fruits and veggies are, by in large, no points....if you incorporate them into your diet, then its generally hard to hit the points plus target and lose weight. anyway, even though I stopped logging by the first week in Feb, I continue to log in my weight every Monday on WW. However, I'm pretty close to cutting ties with WW. I really haven't even thought about points since mid April as I'm just focused on eating healthy.
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    I was unsuccessful with WW, but I know people who like it. For me, MFP does what WW does, but it's free. I also find it's much easier to build a support system on MFP than it ever was on WW. WW also doesn't account for calories burned during exercise, and I think they allow for too many weekly points. But that's just my humble opinion :). Good luck, whatever you do!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I had great success on Weight Watchers, but on the last two programs, not the most recent one. There are a lot of things about it (free fruit!) that I don't think will make a lot of people -- especially those with less to lose -- successful.

    I still do the old WW program. I bought a tracker and cancelled my online membership and just do it on my own for free. It's as good as MFP, since it's an "eat less, move more" program, you just count differently. I find it an easier way to track than to count calories, but everyone has a different experience.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    WW also doesn't account for calories burned during exercise
    Yes, they do. That's what Activity Points are.
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    Personally, I'm doing better on mfp than I did on weight watchers, either online or going to actual meetings

    Me too!
  • I have not personally used it, I would try it definatly its just the cost for me to be honest. The group's they hold also look good, you get to catch up with people every week discus weight loss and tips.
  • With compleat honesty I think both MFP and WW are what you make of them..
    If you want to lose weight there is no magic pill, no magic program, No magic surgury!
    If you put in the hard work you will lose weight...
    I think W.W. is a great plan for some people just like here is great for some people...
    Eat right & work out = weight loss
    If you hit a brick wall ask for help....
  • delainedecker
    delainedecker Posts: 14 Member
    I imagine it probably depends on what you're looking for in a program. I haven't done WW online and haven't done WW at all in a long time. I do believe it is a good program, but I think if you're looking for the support that you may have gotten in a group, you may not get that online...or probably not any better than you do just using MFP. IMO, I would just find a clean eating meal plan, exercise regularly, and stick with logging in MFP. But if you need something extra.... then that is understandable too!
  • I am a lifetime weight watcher and have lost over 50lb. I say meetings are better becuz you get things you need for your tracker and group meetings is where people lose more. However, I love MFP too. I do both so I can see if I am eating my points and calories according. So it does help to have both. Some say you could eat too much of fruits and not enough veggies and it is true. I have maintained for over 5 years. I would say go try it for awhile and you decide.
  • mrshickey
    mrshickey Posts: 239
    dont pay for something you can get free. the propoints dont 'tally up' with calorie counting if that make sense ( thats what i found) so ww said i should eat more which i struggled to do. also ww now allow fruit as a 'free food' which is why everyone i kno who used the new programme never lost weight- they all use sites like one now.
  • Shawtee808
    Shawtee808 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for all the replies, I am still going to continue here on MFP!! I love the personal support from friends who genuinely want me to succeed!! But I do need guidance on food choices!!
  • Shawtee808
    Shawtee808 Posts: 60 Member
    I had great success on Weight Watchers, but on the last two programs, not the most recent one. There are a lot of things about it (free fruit!) that I don't think will make a lot of people -- especially those with less to lose -- successful.

    I still do the old WW program. I bought a tracker and cancelled my online membership and just do it on my own for free. It's as good as MFP, since it's an "eat less, move more" program, you just count differently. I find it an easier way to track than to count calories, but everyone has a different experience.

    Thanks :flowerforyou: I believe incorporating both until I find my way that works will steer me in the direction i need to go, right now I am just trying to find my way...thanks for your input!
  • treatingmybodyright
    treatingmybodyright Posts: 184 Member
    Oh, you're right. I completely forgot. I guess it didn't seem as straightforward as MFP. Thanks for correcting that!