New- Worried about goal weight now

Yea. So. I'm 5'3. As far as I remember, when I was 134lbs I was really skinny! I thought that should be my goal weight so I started striving for that. However, After looking at the feed for shorter people, the pictures I am seeing of people around that weight are all quite a bit bigger than I remember being and everyone has a MUCH lower goal weight at my same height. Now I'm worried. I know that I will know when I get there, but I don't want to reach my goal weight only to be let down by it not being what I remember.


  • I'm the same Height and I'm shooting for 140. I guess it depends on your body type... I'm a pear and I know that at that I'll be happy .
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I'm 5'3" and waffling between 132-133 lbs. I want to be 130.

    134 would definitely be a healthy goal.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i dont think it matters what anyone else is doing. you have to be happy with YOU, not anyone else. there will always be someone out there who is thinner/fatter/prettier/richer etc etc, but who really cares, you just have to be happy being you!
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    You may also want to use a BMI calculator to help you generate a "range". A BMI of 18.5 - 24.9 is considered normal. My range for my height (5'4") is 107-145, which is a pretty wide range. I'm shooting for 145, then I'll see where I'm at and whether I'm satisfied or not. I'd like to lose down to about 135 so I have some "wiggle room" for when my weight fluctuates slightly.

    Maybe you need to not focus so much on the end goal right now and just concentrate on some mini-goals. My first one is to lose 25 pounds. Once I've done that, I'll tackle the next goal.

    Sometimes I think we're so hung up on the number on the scale that we lose sight of the overall picture.
  • Weight looks different on everyone...even if you are the same height. You shouldn't let what others goal weight affect what you want to weigh. I am 5'3" too and so far my goal weight is 130..if I decide I want to lose more weight when I get there then so be it. I have seen other people on here too that are the same height and they are shooting for like 115 or so..but that is them. I know what weight looks good on me and I have been 115 before and it did not look good on me at body shape is not meant for that size but it may be for them.,just do what makes you comfortable :smile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    It can also depend on how much toning/exercise you're doing. I figured I'd reassess when I hit 140, now I'm at 129.2 and I figure this will be the "top" of my goal weight (pushing for 127, with a range of 125-129). So really, although I weigh a little more than I did in high school, I know I'm in better shape since I took up running and weight training. I'm smaller than ever, even though my weight isn't as tiny (I remember weighing 117 when I met my now hubby at age 16). I am going to my college homecoming this weekend and I think I look better than I did 20 years ago!!!!

    Don't really worry about the number, when you get close, you'll know. Just get out there and get healthy and don't let the scale dictate how you feel about the day/week/whatever. Just take control of your life!!!!

    Oh, and I should add.... I'm 5'2".
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    That sounds perfectly healthy and reasonable. I am 5'4" and have a lower goal because I am training for a 165 mile bike ride (less weight to push on the bike is better) and also I am working on building muscle, and I want those muscles to show - can't help it, I want abs. At 134 pounds I was perfectly happy with how I looked in and out of clothes and was an easy to find size at all of my favorite stores :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I changed my goal numerous times, thats whats so great about can get to your "goal" and then make a new one...My FIRST goal was my premarriage weigh (190)t where I mistakenly thought I was "fit"..well 40 pounds less than that, I am now in midrange healhy BMI :)
  • geco22
    geco22 Posts: 29 Member
    It definitely varies depending on your body type. I'm about 5'4" and my goal right now is to drop 50 pounds from my starting weight which was 202 pounds. I am at 179.6 right now and I feel great. Ultimately, I'm going to see how I look and feel after I lose my initial goal and then decided how much more I want to lose. The other thing for me is that I have always been really bad about knowing what I weigh, so I honestly have no idea what I would look like at any particular weight. I think make it to your goal of 134, and then if you feel like you don't look they way you want to, set a new goal. There's no rule that says you can't change or update your goals. Good luck with your weight loss!
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I'm 5'8" and could technically go as low as 135. However, when I was 135 I had no chest or any shape whatsoever. I like the curves, so I put myself on the higher end of the BMI scale, just so I don't look emaciated.
  • Puddykat1026
    Puddykat1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm just starting out, so I don't know if I'll be much help. I can tell you that I am 5' tall & I've read that I SHOULD weigh 112 lbs. I think that's BS. When I met my hubby 10 yrs ago, I was a whopping 120 lbs soaking wet & I HATED it. I was more comfy at about 130-140 lbs. I also felt that I looked more attractive with those curves. I am very voluptuous now and I still have my hourglass shape. For some reason, all my fat stored right in the belly area up front (like a pouch, lol), but I still have the indentations at my waist. I'm rambling, sorry :) My point is that I believe it has to do with your body type, your family body type, and how you want to see yourself. Weight is a number... as long as you maintain your muscle tone, you will be able to alter your shape without fluctuating your weight. You'll know when you get to that place in your life where you are comfortable with your size, you just need to tone it up & maintain. Good luck!
  • lovingmeinmyskin
    lovingmeinmyskin Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'2, and I look my best at 165. I think it has a lot to do with your bodies distribution of your weight. I once questioned myself as well, because of my bmi results. I could never see myself weighing 120lbs it wouldn't work on me or for me. I say go with what works for you.
  • EmilyV80
    EmilyV80 Posts: 60 Member
    I think everyone is built differently. I'm 5'4" and I think I'll would be too thin even at 135. My goal is 145. It is ok to reevaluate your goals as you go.
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    everyone is right, its your body type and how you feel at a certain weight. I started at 256 and my goal was 170, now that i am at 160 i still feel that i have a lil more to go.
  • rach_lifts
    rach_lifts Posts: 4 Member
    it's not always about how much you weigh. people put so much emphasis on the scale. it's about how your clothes fit and how you feel - how you move, how you feel from day to day. if you're healthy and don't have a hard time getting around and you feel like your pants are getting a little baggy, then then number on the scale shouldn't matter. i'm 5'6-1/2" and i weigh 160 but you'd never believe it. and don't discount the muscle on your body as well. it's not so much that muscle weighs more than fat as that it just takes up less space (it's more dense). this app is so great for tracking what you eat, that's all i use it for and it's helped me a lot.

    Good luck with your goals!!
  • Thanks everyone!
    (This is my first post on the message board and I'm really shocked that so many people saw it and took the time to respond!)

    I feel a lot better now. I thought I was going crazy! My BMI on the low end is 104 which I think is ridiculous. I figured I'd shoot for the higher end since I don't want to be a stick. But then after seeing others I thought maybe I mis-remembered my preferred weight/size.

    I'm also curious to see what having a baby did to my shape (whenever I find it again) lol!
  • I agree with everyone else. It's all how it's dispersed on your body. I'm 5'5" (in the morning lol) and weighed 160 after my 3rd child and looked like I was still pregnant. Even now in the high 140's I am uncomfortable with my weight. But even when I was 118 I still had the exact same size hips I do now...everyone is different. If you carry all your weigh in one area it will look different than someone who's weight distributes evenly throughout their body. Focus on how you feel and setting smaller goals for yourself. :)