
Hey MFP friends!! I have been stuck at the same weight for 4 weeks now!! I dont know what im doing wrong!! i stay 300 under my cal intake and I bumped up my workout. anyone have ne suggestions????


  • naner
    naner Posts: 110
    Hey MFP friends!! I have been stuck at the same weight for 4 weeks now!! I dont know what im doing wrong!! i stay 300 under my cal intake and I bumped up my workout. anyone have ne suggestions????
  • bbright53
    bbright53 Posts: 81
    Eat all your calories plus 500 or so for a couple of days. That will usually bring me out of it. Don't cut your calories any more or you will go into starvation mode.
  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    I have only been on here a few days, and only weighed in once so far, so I am by far not the most qualified to answer this, but from what I gather, eat ALL your alloted calories so that you dont go into starvation mode, and be honest about everything that goes in your mouth, portions too... and remember, if you are doing weight training as well you might be putting on lean muscle while losing fat, and since muscle weighs more it might not reflect it on the scale, but will in measurements, so check those too.. you might find yourself shrinking even if you weigh the same... and good luck
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Ten Commandments
    1) Repeat to yourself daily: "The scale is not the sum and total of this experience"
    2) Eat all of your calories and all of your exercise calories for at least a week (more like two)
    3) Go for a long walk and remind yourself why you are on this journey (longer life? better health? happier family?)
    4) Drink more water (it can't hurt unless you're downing 16 glasses a day)
    5) Try eating smaller meals more frequently. Eat more in the morning.
    6) Nix caffeine, white flour, and white sugar.
    7) Shake up your exercise routine: try a spin class at your local gym or yoga.
    8) Sleep.
    9) Re-evaluate where your calories are coming from. If you're only eating 1200 calories a day, but 130 come from a latte and 250 from white pasta and 180 from chocolate pudding, your body is deprived of essential nutrients that you are not giving to it... so while your cals might be fine, you might be low in fiber, protein, or healthful fats.
    10) Repeat to yourself daily: "I am the sum of the choices that I make." Your body, the scale, your whole existence will reflect this.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Take your measurements now. While this won't help in your immediate predicament, it will be nice if there is a next time for keeping it real between yourself and you.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I also got stuck at 21 lbs lost, for five weeks, and the thing thaat got the scale moving again was I had a weekend of debauchery. I ate and drank whatever I wanted, and didn't log anything. After that, On Monday, I got right back on board, and within a week, the scale was moving and I had dropped five pounds.

    I don't think a whole weekend was completely necessary, I have heard of people having just one high calorie day and that kicking them back into gear, but it worked that way for me.

    whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP! You do NOT want to gain back those 20 lbs!!!