Are there any C-section mamas out there?

I have had two c-sections and I am having a horrible time with the *watch out this is disgusting* dead saggy skin over the incision in my stomach/abdomen area. I had it bad with my first, and no matter what I did it never would lift up or go down, and then with my c-section I had almost 5 months ago, it just got soo much worse. My doctors have told me there is nothing that I can do to make it go away, or tighten it up/lose inches there, they told me my only result is surgery, in which I do NOT want!!! I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good excercises that have worked for them, or how you got rid of the "extra hanging skin". Mine is really bad, not just a little, but a lot.

Please do share, or post if you have the same problem I do, and maybe we can try and work together to tone this skin up =]


  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    Yep this is me! My "mommy pouch" drives me crazy! If I get to goal and still have it I'm going for a tummy tuck but I'd rather save myself 7 grand if I can. Add me if you'd like another mfp friend - Ill update you if I see anything working.
    PS - my scar is 4 years old and still hurts occasionally. Do any other moms have this issue?
  • Yep this is me! My "mommy pouch" drives me crazy! If I get to goal and still have it I'm going for a tummy tuck but I'd rather save myself 7 grand if I can. Add me if you'd like another mfp friend - Ill update you if I see anything working.
    PS - my scar is 4 years old and still hurts occasionally. Do any other moms have this issue?

    I am like terrified of surgeries, lol, so tummy tuck scares the crap outta me, just the sound of it, HA! Well, my first c-section scar was almost 3 years old, before I got pregnant again, and I had pain in it if I over did it or twisted the wrong way, but not randomly, now I have pain more after my second one!!
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    i also have that dreaded pouch. i had mine almost 2 years ago and i have random pains in the area as well. i have heard that pilates can help as it engages all of your core. i havent tried this yet.
  • i also have that dreaded pouch. i had mine almost 2 years ago and i have random pains in the area as well. i have heard that pilates can help as it engages all of your core. i havent tried this yet.

    Really Pilates? That is great. I just started doing some pilates the other day, starting off slow but hope to get into it more =]
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I had 4 kids all by c-section. The last baby is 13 months and my stomach still has that shelf. I do get pains on my c-section line when I take really long runs. Other than working your core muscles and slowly losing weight, it just doesn't go anywhere. I have extra skin that is not going back. Sadly, I think I will just have to live with this. GRANTED, it was a lot worse 25 lbs ago.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I have the same issue and my son is almost three! I have lost almost 25lbs and have been doing Insanity and Hip Hop Abs since Febuary. The Insanity (three rounds) helped lose the weight and tightened up my abs. I'm finishing up Hip Hop abs and both have made a huge difference, it's almost gone. As soon as I finish this current workout I'm going to do RevAbs and I'm hoping that should finish it off! :)

  • I have the dreaded C-section pounch too!! I hate it and even though I have lost 30 lbs it doesn't seem to have gone away at all. I have like 100 lbs to go though so I am hoping it will stil shrink at least some!!!
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    Had 3 sections in the past 7 years. After my first I got mine to go away MOSTLY...I walked alot (6-8 mi daily and did pilates). Now, I'm pretty sure the pooch is here to stay. I gained alot of weight each time, and the skin on my tummy is never going to be the same without surgical intervention. I'm learning to love my battle scars though because I got my monkeys out of the deal :smile:
  • 3 babies natural, last was c-section and the doc said no hope for the "baby pouch" so i lost 25 lbs and got a tummy tuck and i am in love with the results ( also got a boob job too) even befor the kids i never had this flat of a tummy, and i am 5 ft even and still weight just she of 200lb and it still looks real good, bot my procedures were done at the same time and cost me just shy of 11000. i tought was so worth it. not near as much pain as the c-section was!!!!
  • Kina7381
    Kina7381 Posts: 58 Member
    My scar is 4 years old too and it ocassionally hurts. It always feels sensitive to the touch. Too much pressure hurts. SOooo weird.
  • sarkris
    sarkris Posts: 41
    I have the same issue and my son is almost three! I have lost almost 25lbs and have been doing Insanity and Hip Hop Abs since Febuary. The Insanity (three rounds) helped lose the weight and tightened up my abs. I'm finishing up Hip Hop abs and both have made a huge difference, it's almost gone. As soon as I finish this current workout I'm going to do RevAbs and I'm hoping that should finish it off! :)


    Thank you! You gave me hope!
  • me too 2 kids both c-section the youngest is 6 now. and yes i still have the pouch and yes i still feel pain there does anyone feel numness cause i cant feel myself touching my pouch i figure thats why i cant lose it.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Before getting preggo I had lost 30 pounds and was down from size 12 to a size 3. It was the fittest I've ever been, some abs were starting to show. I didn't have a pouch but more like a little bump on top of the c-sec. If I wore tights you still wouldnt notice that bump. I was happy with the results and I think after this one I'm confident I can go back to that. If hubby is happy I have no need to stress about it, or wish that I looked like a hot 19 year old who has never been pregnant. I like the battle scars comment. I feel like that too. I was doing workouts... and still doing them:wink:
  • me too 2 kids both c-section the youngest is 6 now. and yes i still have the pouch and yes i still feel pain there does anyone feel numness cause i cant feel myself touching my pouch i figure thats why i cant lose it.

    Yes, mine is completely numb, can hardly feel anything, when I touch any area around my c-section scar, all I can feel is like a feather going over it....It's weird....
  • 3 c-sections here. One almost 18 yrs ago, one 15 yrs ago, and one 12 yrs ago. Still have very rare "phantom pain", and bad hang. But then again, I am overweight and need to lose that before I lose hope ;)
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    me too 2 kids both c-section the youngest is 6 now. and yes i still have the pouch and yes i still feel pain there does anyone feel numness cause i cant feel myself touching my pouch i figure thats why i cant lose it.

    Yes, mine is completely numb, can hardly feel anything, when I touch any area around my c-section scar, all I can feel is like a feather going over it....It's weird....

    Yeup, same here with it being numb. Mine is odd cause it's not numb at the scar... it's numb about 2 inches above that. I also still get odd pains at my scar as well, but that's usually with movement like bending and twisting at the same time (ie - getting out of/into bed)
  • Dang thats stinky . . . . My C-section scar is only 10 weeks old and while in that time i have lost 40 lbs (don't be too worried 20 of it was baby lol) and its gotten loads better w/ the last 20 lbs I was REALLY hoping it would go away w/ ab work outs. I suppose it also depends on how resilient your skin is too. I've been using vitamin E oil a lot for stretch marks and on the scar itself and on other areas and I think its been helping a little. Maybe something to ask your dr. about??? And has anyone told their dr. they are having pains along the incision??? I don't have any and i've been working out really hard at the gym and home. Maybe I'm just among the lucky few . . . . hmmmm I had a goal of a belly button ring when I got a sexy tummy :-(

    PS I haven't been doing ANY ab workouts, just fat burning things and mine has gotten better . . . . I would definitely suggest everyone find their fat burning zone/target heart rate it helped me a ton especially on my abs.

    <3 Meggie
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Two C-Sections for me.... both after the age of 40... and I was overweight with both. I too have the "pooch"!!! I've lost 55lbs, and I still have it. I have about 35lbs more to go. It has gotten smaller, but... still there. Not sure if it will ever go away, but I will keep trying!!! If I get to goal and stay there for 1-2 years, I might think about a tummy tuck. But... as much as I'd like that.... I'm afraid to have the surgery. So... we'll see!!!
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    I've had 5 c-sections, the most recent was 9 1/2 years ago. My pouch is still numb, it feels weird. And I don't like pressure on my incision site either. I'm sure that being overweight for years and years hasn't helped my skin either. But I'm losing weight and hoping that it won't be too horrendous.

    I don't want surgery, so I'm stuck with it however it ends up.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I went the modified tummy tuck route. I had 2 close pregnancies and my skin never had a chance to recover from the first before being stretched again.