Workout intensity

I have been working out over the 80% on my HRM and maintaining my normal diet. I feel like I am actually working out, but the last 2 weeks I have lost less than a pound each week. I am afraid of plateauing because I have a long way to go. I went back to my target rate this morning. In order to burn fat and lose weight, shoulf I stay in the target range, though sometimes I don't feel like I am working out? I lost the first 50lbs in 4-1/2 months and would like to get rid of the rest hopefully before my anniversary in February.


  • smarterthanyoda
    Good work! Sounds like you're doing great!

    The "Fat Burning Zone" is a myth. Read this article:

    Keep exercising as hard as you want. I don't know if you're logging what you eat, but you might want to start doing that even if you're not "dieting". Working out can make you hungry, and it's easy to eat back the calories you expend exercising. Just being aware of what you eat will let you see if your food intake is inadvertently creeping up, which may be what's slowing down your weight loss.