Hi! New here :)

Hi everyone! Im new here and loving it so far. Im here to lose these last stubborn 10lbs. after having my kids (not to get to pre-pregnancy weight, just my personal goal). Would love to make friends to share encourgagement and support!


  • Hi Christina :) I joined MFP to lose those last 10 pounds too and it totally works! I would love to be your friend. Sending a request now :)
  • Hi Christina, Im new here and trying to loose some of my baby fat to :) Would love to be your friend sending a request
  • Hello and welcome.....
    This site is awesome...its great for motivation and support..
    feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi,

    I have been on my journey for about 8 weeks now. Can't remember exactly when I actually started using MFP.

    My goal is to lose my pregnancy weight as well. I have four children. After my first child was born, I lost all my weight and then some. I was smaller than I was even in high school. Then, several years later my second child was born and I gained quite a bit. I lost almost all of that weight quickly by eating a raw food diet. It all came back even quicker as soon as I started eating regular foods again. Then, got prego with number 3 and gained even more. I was the heaviest I had ever been after he was born (209 several weeks after he was born). Lost a little with South Beach and maintained that for sometime. Then, went back on another diet, this time no carbs and got down to 149....then, prego again! My fourth baby was born a year ago next month. After his birth my heaviest weight was 176 (this was actually my starting weight about 9 weeks ago). This morning I weighed 157.2 lbs.

    I am loving this program! My husband and I use it carefully everyday. It really helps me see just how many calories are going in and out. I can see what my weight loss results would be if I did everday as the current day. I think this is a great feature.

    A lot might say..."only 10 lbs, that's a breeze!". However, I have been stuck at those last 10 lbs before and they can be the hardest to lose. You have to work harder to burn calories the less you weigh. You being here will help! Build lots of muscle so your body will burn fat constantly.

    I am starting Zumba classes this week to help give me that kick into overdrive to get the last 25 or so pounds off. It burns mad calories and will help build muscle as well. I have been jogging 2 miles (started at 3/4 mile) 3 x's a week, walking 4 miles (started with 2 miles) 3x's a week and just started doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I am did the last day of level 1, so tomorrow I start level 2. When I start Zumba I am planning to do 2-3 classes a week. I will likely drop the jogging and replace it with the Zumba.

    What workouts are you doing?
  • Hi Im new at this site ;) hope I can find a good use to it