I have done it again

pftjill Posts: 488
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
So I don't know if any of you have ever heard of negative addiction. I learned about it in my exercise psychology class. We were learning about positive and negative addictions and I realized-oh my gosh, I had a negative addiction. I was so obsessed. I lost 40 lbs in 2 months. So today was sooo stressful and I downed a few of my daughters fruit by the foots and a couple fiber one bars.
So this week I have upped my workouts to where I am doing 2-3 hours 3 days a week and the rest 1 hour. I didn't see a huge problem with this. Well I came home from bootcamp tonight and ate a reasonable dinner and got my ladies ready for bed. I was going to do a scone run tonight, I get one pumpkin scone from starbucks a year-only one. So I am sitting there deciding, do I run or go get the scone. Then hubs pulls out a picture I haven't seen for 5 years of me at 250 lbs. HOLY COW-I put my running shoes on and did 2.4 miles-haha. I can't help it and it made me realize how much I LOVE running. Oh my gosh it clears my mind. So negative addiction, positive addiction-I don't care. Oh, my boss called me a man tonight, because my arms are getting so huge-haha!!

My name is Jill and I am addicted to working out!!!!


  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member

    My name is Jessie, and I am addicted to working out. Today is my 3rd rest day in the past 2 months...and I snuck in a walk and some crunches when my sister was upstairs.
  • I love it! I am also addicted to working out. When my 2 month old won't let me put him down, I use him to do arm workouts or do crunches while he does tummy time. I run on my elliptical while he sleeps, and can't wait to run outside again. I live in Alaska and winter is coming so I'm going to wait until next year to brave it :)
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Addicted! Rode my bike home 27km in the pouring rain last night and felt so good.

    Today is a rest day. Listen to me body, today is your rest day!
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