Hi everyone! My name is Nicole. I'm 19. Nursing student. Born and raised in San Diego.

I've been a member of MFP for about a year, but never used all its features until now.
I'm still trying to get into the habit of recording my meals on a daily basis, rather than 2-3 days at a time.
For the last year I've tried different workout routines from constant gym sessions to p90x and insanity.
I've also tried different weight loss supplements such as the Usana Reset program. Hydroxycut Hardcore. Hydroxycut Shape. Fireball from Vitamin World. And I am currently taking OxyElite Pro.

I'm 5'2" and my current weight is 154.
I have a pretty "thick" build.
op heavy and really thick thighs significantly plump/husky calves.
When setting my goals MFP set my calorie intake at 1200,
although I've been told not to consume less than my BMR of 1520.
My goal weight is 120-125lbs

I'd really love to meet a lot of new members here that can educate me more on balancing calories/meals as well as opinions on diets, weight-loss supplements, and exercise routines.

I would really like to meet members to support me and give me that extra push to help me reach my goal.

You can learn more about me here on my first blog entry

Please feel free to add or message me.
I'd love to hear about your weight loss journeys.


  • dorcry
    dorcry Posts: 10
    I am 5 2" also. I weigh 154. Its making me crazy becuase I cant loose and stay down past 138. I did that cheating with phentermine. I gained it right back. Thats stuff is horrible for you too. I gained 25 pounds when my mom passed away 8 years ago. I have kept it on too. I would love to loose 8 pounds before November 1st. That would be a start to finally loosing the weight caused from depression and heart ache. I need to do this for her and for me. I am going to try my hardest.

    Good luck on your goals. I read your blog. I live in Vegas. maybe we can hangout on the beach in San Diego next summer weighing 115 lbs. That would be awesome...

  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply! I just updated my initial post here on the message board. I've tried so many weightloss products and it would work and I'd gain some weight back and maintain it, but I feel like I could never get anywhere below the 150s! The most I've ever weighed was 198, and that was back in Feb2010 towards the end of my freshman year in college. My first year in highschool I was 13 and 135lbs. And after that, my weight would just increase 10 lbs each year. I went on a dieting/exercising phase my Junior year and I only got down to 158. All throughout my childhood, I've always been the heaviest amongst my friends.
    And yes! Maybe we can lay out on the gorgeous San Diego beaches together when we achieve our wonderful beach bodies! :D