Night Owls and Food

Hi everyone. I'm one of those 'late to bed, late to rise' sort of people and so I was wondering if I eat something after midnight (but before I go to sleep) would I add that to the previous day's food diary or the new day's diary? (For example, if I ate something at 1:30 Tuesday morning before I went to bed, would I add it to Tuesday's food journal or would it stay on Monday's?) It just seems strange that an hour and a half can decide whether I met yesterday's goal or if I went over today... Not to mention that it's strange to wake up and already have some of my allotted calories used up. ;;>_>


  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I never could figure that out, so I just quit eating after midnight.

    Which means, by the way, if I really want that tomato I am desperate for, I only have 6 minutes left in which to eat it! Gotta go! ;)
  • amateurphilosopher
    I am very similar, and while I prefer to put it into Monday's (using your example), I think all that really matters is consistency. I'd say as long as you pick one and stick with it it doesn't matter how you do.
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    since i work overnights i always do from midnight to midnight when its the next day i put it on the next day or what not. so like if you eat now you would put it on today but if you eat at 1am then you would put it on the next day
  • DesertSunsetRain
    In my opinion, I would do it on the day "before" midnight. A new day technically starts at midnight, but that's not really when your day starts. Your new day starts when you wake up. Your day of eating is from when you wake up until you go to bed. So even if you go to bed at 1:30am on Tuesday morning, I think you should log the calories in as Monday.
  • lucisept61
    I'm a night owl, too. I always add it to the day I woke up on. I'll be up late tonight, but if I eat after midnight those calories will go on Thursday's report.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    i do it bedtime to bedtime, figuring thats when my body 'resets'.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Whatever you choose to do, just make it consistent!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I just put down whatever I eat in the alotted 24 hr period. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed or wake up.
  • mlbrox
    mlbrox Posts: 41
    i am the exact same way! i was confused at first about that too. if i eat after midnight, i add it to the new day and i have stuck to that. i dont think it matters as long as u stick to one way of logging it, like a few others have said. =)
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I work nights and I log from the time I wake up until I go to bed... I don't do midnight-midnight.
  • chicnsweet83
    If you are hungry late at night, try drinking some hot tea. it's soothing, relaxing and zero calories, plus depending on the flavor can taste great :) I opt for Green Tea with honey, natural sweetener and if there is calories its very very low.. sometimes I stay up late and end up eating, but I really dislike doing that. Our bodies slow down while we sleep, so the digestion of the food isn't as good.

    Oh and if I ate anything past midnight I would just add it to the new days calories. Good luck!
  • phechan3
    Thanks for the help guys! I feel better knowing that there are others who end their day a little later. I think I'll probably end my day at 2pm just to be on the safe side. ^_^ And now I'm having a hankering for some green tea. ;)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Another overnight worker here. My day starts when I wake up and ends when I go to sleep.
  • trooper605
    trooper605 Posts: 31 Member
    I work graves and I stay on my sched even on my days off. Lets say I get up at 1pm on Monday....then the first meal to the last meal before bed goes on Mondays sched......