Lost my way for a little bit...

So two weeks ago we went on vacation and I did try my best to watch what I was eating but I did not get any excersize in... we were running around seeing the family and there just was not enough time in the day. When I got back my work out buddy kind of started doing her own thing and it is hard for me to work out on my own. this past week another friend of mine got me back into the swing of things and I started to walk with her in the mornings and do some more extra work outs with the WII when I got home. I really need to start busting my hump here because in a few months the hubby is going to take me to the keys for a vacation and I really want to look awesome for the trip. I am so mad at myself for losing it for two weeks, I just really really hope I can stay on the right path and get into shape.. I so badly want to be happy with myself again. :explode:
