Starting Hydroxycut today

Hi guys! So I have long since debated whether I should try Hydroxycut in addition to my diet and exercise. One of my best friends has been taking Hydroxycut Clinical Max for Women and is seeing great results. As am I, she is exercising every day and has truly overhauled her eating habits. So she's taking Hydroxycut and has lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks! Of course, I know come of this may be water weight but after listening to her talk about the product and also learning about the advice her doctor gave her (take it as a supplement, don't use for more than a month or two, etc) I had to try it. It's supposed be a good way to kick-start weight loss and that is exactly what I need. I try so hard- I AM eating healthy, I AM exercising but weight doesn't come off of me easily. I have hypothyroidism, so my metabolism is slow to begin with. I'm hoping this is going to help! I'll report back in a week to let you all know if it's working. Since I'm taking the formula for women, I can't help out the guys in saying whether it works or not. Sorry!! I'm excited to see what happens though, so here we go!
Any thoughts you guys have I'd love to hear :)


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Your friend overhauled her eating habits and started exercising, that is what made her lose the 15lbs, not the silly little pill.
  • coffeefreak88
    coffeefreak88 Posts: 37 Member
    hey!! i would LOVE to hear what kind of results you have. please keep us updated.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    the placebo effect is quite powerful...
  • I wish you luck! I did hydroxycut many years ago and experienced heart arythmias and hives. But beware! It's called Hydroxycut for a reason: It's name means cutting water, so that's it's main function. I don't believe in taking weight loss pills or fad diets but if someone has success on them then good for them!
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I've used it from time to time and have lost a lot of my weight because of it. I can't say it works for everyone but as long as you are eating right and exercising then it really can shed those pounds. I know others might disagree since its a "weight loss" pill but just listen to your body and make sure it's not too strong for you. Hope it works out as it has for me :flowerforyou:
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I'm anti-diet pills and I am sure a lot of others are on this site, so be ready for some honest opinions. With that said, you're going to do what you want to do no matter what the general MFP public has to say... All I have to say is listen to your body.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    It contains caffeine, which in high doses it's an appetite supplement, So if your taking a medication that warns you against consuming large quantities of caffeine, I'd definitely watch it.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I've never tried it..... You will probably get a TON of MFP'ers who tell you NOT to use anything...just diet and exercise.... But I say, if it gives you the edge you need, go for it!!!! Of course, stick to your workouts and keep your food choices healthy and stay within your calorie goal!! Good luck!!! Be sure to post your results :drinker:
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Honestly, I would consult a doctor for myself before starting if I were you. I've also tried that stuff before and did see results but also saw some pretty weird side effects. My heartrate would be all over the place and I couldn't stop shaking at certain points. It was scary and I stopped within like 2wks or so. Also, if you read the instructions it says to drink a ton of water, follow a diet plan, and also exercise. If you do these things and alter them to work better for you, you probably wouldn't really need the supplement. What I've found to work for me recently is to eat many meals/snacks. I try to eat about 6x a day, even if it's just a snack bar or something. I think it eventually sped up my metabolism, because now I am hungry often, but I've dropped a good amount of weight.

    Also, I don't think only paying attention to calories is the key. I would make sure you look at what you are eating. Balance your protiens and carbs and try to avoid certain kinds of fats. Be patient and don't rush the weight loss things. You will definitely get there.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    A couple of weeks ago I bought a detox and hydroxycut..... neither worked. I wasted 40 bucks. They gave me energy and helped with appetite but I find that they don't make you not want to eat.
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    My observations with any of these pills is that it says to take "x" number of times a day with a full glass of water, usually 8 times. Getting the reccomended amount of water suggested on here per day has been a large factor in my loss. So my thought is drink the 8 cups, and have a Tic tac with each one, probably just as effective and much cheaper.
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    Be careful with Hydroxycut...I am a member of ConsumerLab,com which does independent testing of these weight loss "supplements" as well as other supplements, vitamins, etc.. and Hydroxycut has failed and been linked to liver toxicity. Natural, healthy, clean eating, watching caloric intake and exercising is ALWAYS the way to go. You may not see results as fast, but they will be lasting results and you will be healthier for it. Remember....slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    All I have to say about this is.....

  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Thank you all for your responses- I don't mind if someone's opinion differs. I, too, have always been VERY anti-diet pills, fad diets, etc. and I still am. I have a history of anorexia and even then I wouldn't take diet pills, no matter how desperate I was to lose weight. This particular pill doesn't contain ephedra or anything unhealthy like that (if it did I wouldn't go near it with a 10-foot pole). I know both sides of the argument have truth to them. I do believe that to some extent, that placebo-type effect may kick in. I also know that the biggest thing to remember is to always listen to your body and the signals it sends you. I do tend to have heart palpitations and the minute I feel any of that, I will go to the very lowest dose and/or stop it altogether. I think that it might have that "kick-start" effect that I need. I made sure to do my research since I'm on medication for other conditions and there are no contraindications. Again, thank you for the feedback. I like hearing it- all different opinions deserve consideration so I really do like to see what everyone else thinks.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    though I would never recommend someone doing diet pills, please be careful. My friend tried one (don't remember the name) and now she has a thyroid problem and put on a lot of weight. If eating right and exercising isn't working, why not switch up your workout and try something new? The faster it comes off, the harder it is to keep it off.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    lol, you may be right! Water is a challenge for me. I never drink enough. Today I'm starting out my morning with a healthy oatmeal breakfast and a bottle of water in hopes of making it a habit!
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    I've tried Hydroxycut Hardcore and Hydroxycut shape paired with 2 gym sessions, still eating what I want, BUT in moderation. I had decent results. That's where I lost my initial 10-15 lbs, but after that it wasn't helping me much. My brother tried Hydroxycut Hardcore and he lost 40 lbs, but once he stopped taking it, he gained everything back and more. Definitely keep us all updated on your progress. Maybe there is something my brother and I can both do to maintain the weightloss or use the product to its max :)
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Hmm. My opinion is that if you have hypothyroidism, your doctor could prescribe you a medication for that. I think that would help you with the weight loss and since it's a prescribed medication you can make sure you're doing this in a healthy way.. under the supervision of a health professional.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Be careful with Hydroxycut...I am a member of ConsumerLab,com which does independent testing of these weight loss "supplements" as well as other supplements, vitamins, etc.. and Hydroxycut has failed and been linked to liver toxicity. Natural, healthy, clean eating, watching caloric intake and exercising is ALWAYS the way to go. You may not see results as fast, but they will be lasting results and you will be healthier for it. Remember....slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck

    I agree with the above post, be careful!!! I took it last year for a week and had to come off as i was going into liver failure. my doctor said this is a common complication, and that noone should startit before their doctor has cleared them. Also as a general FYI it has been banned from being sold in Canada three times in the 5 years. That alone may make you want to think twice about it.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 574 Member
    I have taken otc diet pills and actually have a bottle of ephedra in my cupboard right now. That being said - it's been at least a year since I've taken any of them. They have never made me lose weight.......or supressed my appetite in any way, they just made me act like I was on crack. Go, go, go, go, go. My husband got so annoyed with me for always fidgeting or biting my nails - I couldn't stay still - and didn't even realize I was doing it.

    Good luck though.