Hitting a plateau after 10-12 days..?? help PLEASE

So, on August 26th i started to make better choices with my food and making a point to exercise at least 6 days a week with 50-60 min of cardio a day burning an average of 500-550 calories. my starting weight was 201.. i weigh myself on mondays so i weighed in on 10-3-11 at 194.6. i thought that was a big loss for the week, considering at had about 6 beers over the weekend. and i know that can affect weight loss. but i figured i had worked so hard all week and it was okay.. i have been doing well all week with eating.. not going over my calorie intake and still working out every day.. but i have been jumping on the scale this week periodically and im at 193.4.. give or take a few oz. I just dont know if what i am eating is not okay? but nothing has really changed from the week when i lost the 6lbs that much.. and if i am not doing enough at the gym?? or if this is normal.. its a little discouraging when i dont see the numbers i want to on the scale. and with the weekend comming up i just need some reassurance that i am still doing okay.. So has anyone had this issuse?? PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :)

At 5'9
MFP SW:201
CW: 193-194
GW: 147-152 by 2/1/12


  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    ive been on a plateau for 4 weeks. i am changing things up and adjusted my goals. hopefully that will help i have lost inches tho just havent gained or lost anything on the scale.
  • Deckershann
    Deckershann Posts: 272 Member
    It's normal to lose a lot at first and then slower throughout your weight loss journey. I know for me, if i have 15 pounds to lose, I'll lose the first 10 within a few weeks...then the last five take forever. Just keep at it you're doing great :)
  • cshaver37
    It's normal to have weeks of less weight loss when you have had good weight loss the week before. Make sure you are eating enough protein and small meals throughout the day this will help to keep your metabolism up and maintain good energy.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    First off..how many calories are you consuming on a daily basis? Are you watching your sodium..are you sore from the gym? ..these 2 can make you retain water.

    Speakin of water...how much are you consuming per day. The rule is 1/2 your weight in ounces..

    I would also take measurements..cause someties the scale doesnt want to cooperate..but the tape measure always does...I plateued (sp) for a month but lost 4 inches..that told me I was building muscle..and still on the right track..
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    In the beginning you lose a lot of water weight, so you tend to drop a lot quickly, then it starts slowing down. Don't worry, it's just a slow process and if you're losing 1-2 lbs a week, that's PERFECT!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    You've lost over a pound? Since Monday? That/s a great accomplishment, and not a plateau at all.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    It is typical to have a large loss the first week and only lose a little if nothing the next week. If you see the same weight for 4-6 weeks after being completely diligent in your diet and exercise.. THEN you're on a plateau. Your weight loss right now is falling into a normal pattern. Remember losing more than 1-2lbs per week isn't necessarily healthy if it's a regular occurrence. You're doing great, just keep at it and the scale will begin to move again, but much slower than this first week.

    This is a lifestyle change. It didn't take you over night to gain the weight and it won't take you overnight to lose the weight.
  • zoeysmom01
    zoeysmom01 Posts: 38 Member
    Just don't give up, it will start coming off if you truly log everything and stick to your goal. First big weight loss was probably mostly water. Now your body should be "normalizing" and the weight loss should be slow, steady downward. Just be patient. You will get there.
  • LovesNoodles
    You've lost over a pound? Since Monday? That/s a great accomplishment, and not a plateau at all.

    I lost 1.6lbs in a week and was jumping for joy lol
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    It's normal to lose at decent amount at first, then it will slow down. Discouraging, yes, failure, no. When I started, I lost 8lbs my first week, then went 3 weeks without a loss. But that 4th week, I lost 2lbs. Right now, I'm at a steady 1lb/week loss. Don't let this discourage you. Keep doing what you need to do and it will happen. If you think maybe your body had hit a plateau, maybe switch up your workouts. Try something new like kick boxing, strength training or some HIIT. Cardio is great, but don't forget about strength training. And it is also helpful to take your measurements. Even though you may not lose weight, you could be losing inches. Do you eat your exercise calories back? I usually aim to eat 80% back and I realized if I go more than a week netting under 1200, the scale will actually go up. Good luck and keep your head up, it's a tough journey but so worth it.
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    You are doing things corectly. Some weeks you will have bigger loses then others. Just keep what you are doing and if you are not drinking enough water, add that in. Just don't get discouraged. You made the right decision to join here. Plus you probably shouldn't weigh yourself as much during the week because if you don't lose as much as you would like, you will get discouraged. Plus a pound since Monday is not a plateau!
  • malarzt
    :smile: Just keep it going I lost 33 lbs my first 6 weeks of training and dieting and after that a pound every other week, my body is changing even know I don't loose weight I think you are doing fine, great job.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    You've only just begun!! This is a lifelong change! Keep eating all your calories, drink water, exercise, eat back some if not all those exercise calories and you will see change. You must be patient! It's a numbers game basically and you need to figure out what works for you. Open up your diary so you can be better advised. I originally started just eating 1200-1300 calories a day and not much happened. Now that I am eating 1500-1600 calories a day, with exercise I am seeing great results!!! Slow and steady wins the race!!!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    What you eat is 65% of the results. Drinking 6 beers isn't going to help you lose weight. Regular beer is 300 calories so that;'s 1800 (600 for light beer).

    If you really want to lose you have to take your diet and commitment more seriously.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Possibly need to switch up your exercise regime...body gets use to a certain routine...are you drinking your water? Are you eating up your exercise calories as well..if you don't, body will go into starvation mode and will retain everything you put in your mouth...even if your eating less..can lead to fat storage..and actually gain weight... Enough fiber in your body? such as dark greens, some fruit in your food diary? Body needs things to help it digest the things we eat.. Also need to look into some strength training routines..as muscle burns fat..and that will help you out with your weight loss..hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    It sounds like you're off to a good start. Remember that everyone's body is different. If you are really eating well and you still feel stuck, I would suggest mixing up your workouts. I believe that cardio alone is the slowest way to burn calories. Add in some weigh lifting on alternate days to give your body a jolt in the right direction.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I started around the same time as you, and I sat on a plateau after an initial 10 pound loss for a couple of weeks. Then I pinched a nerve, had to stop working out for a couple of days, had two cheat days where I ate considerably more than my goal calories, but a little less than what is needed to maintain my current weight, and then poof! I dropped 4 more pounds. Some times you just need to mix it up a bit. Now I keep zig zagging my calories with one or two peaks in the week. I hope you have a break through!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    What you eat is 65% of the results. Drinking 6 beers isn't going to help you lose weight. Regular beer is 300 calories so that;'s 1800 (600 for light beer).

    If you really want to lose you have to take your diet and commitment more seriously.

    I have to somewhat disagree with this. Don't beat yourself up over having 6 beers. And although drinking it won't HELP your weight loss, if you plan for it (moderation is key) it won't HURT your weight loss either. I usually have anywhere from 3-8 beers every Saturday night and I have been steadily losing each week. It's all about moderation. Workout a little extra on the days you know you'll be drinking (or even going over with food) and maintain your calories and workouts the rest of the week and you'll be fine. I also found that cutting things out of my diet completely (beer, cheese, sugar) makes it harder to stay on track. If it's part of your lifestyle, then enjoy it, just use moderation.
  • slamb1020
    slamb1020 Posts: 80 Member
    What you eat is 65% of the results. Drinking 6 beers isn't going to help you lose weight. Regular beer is 300 calories so that;'s 1800 (600 for light beer).

    If you really want to lose you have to take your diet and commitment more seriously.

    I dont think i have ever drank a beer that was 300 calories.. i usually drink bud select.. which i think is 55 calories.. and i uncluded it in my tracker and i was still not over my calories for that day. and i do induldge every so often b/c i cant sit here and lie to myself and say that i wont have a beer from now until i loose the weight. and even if i did that.. and i accomplish my goal.. i sure as hell am going to have a few beers to celebrate then! Lol but what im saying is if i constantly restrict myself of the things i want, then i dont think its teaching me anything in the long run. yes i know that drinking can slow down my weight loss, yes i know that beer is not the best thing for me.. but im a 24 year old who loves football, so on saturdays they happen to go hand in hand.. lol :)

    OH and when DO drink.. its every other saturday.. so twice a month.. i think that is ok