OxyElite Pro Users and other thermogenics? Help?

Hey guys! I'm currently using OxyElite Pro.

Ive been taking it for about a six weeks now, but I haven't been very consistent on taking it everyday as well as going to the gym everyday.

I was on Hydroxycut Hardcore at the end of May until the end of July, where I lost majority of my weight from 186-166 doing the Insanity workout first thing in the morning, then A 90-120min gym session at night.
I took a couple weeks off at the end of July and bought HydroxycutShape and went to the gym twice a day, morning/night and I only went from 166-162.

I am Now On OxyElite Pro and I've gone from 162-154 in 6 weeks.

Any advice/tips on diet pills/supplements and thermogenics as well as workout routines? I feel like I'm not using the products properly, or there's a way to get better results. I don't know. Please help?


  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    I'd say just be patient and disciplined. Don't look for the results to come too fast or else you may get discouraged. They will come, but give your self a good timeframe. I actually gave myself a year which still may not be enough. Just remember.... LIFESTYLE CHANGE:) You got this..... Also, I'm doing insanity and pretty much once a day is enough for me. After the workouts I throw in some pushups and pullups but nothing too excessive.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Diet is most important, and any thermogenic will only give you a very small boost if any. having tried a lot of OTC ones, really the only one that did anything was EC
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    You need to follow the direction very carefully on the bottle. I have found that those pills really don't help you lose weight any faster than you would if you eat to increase your metabolism. I took them for a while and saw results, but when I stopped and just ate 5-7 meals per day, I got the same results.

    Any time you begin a weight loss program, you will lose a larger amount. A lot of it is water.
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks! I've come a long way in the last year. My max weight was 198 towards the end of my first year in college last year... I lost a good chunk over that summer but gained some back when school started back up. It's pretty frustrating, waiting for the results and everything. The thing that gets to me most is the number on the scale. I haven't been losing much weight the last month or two, but my clothes definitely feel so much looser, so I must be doing something right? I rationalize and tell myself it's muscle mass from weight training. Lol.
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    Diet is most important, and any thermogenic will only give you a very small boost if any. having tried a lot of OTC ones, really the only one that did anything was EC

    I've made a huge diet change, small meals every few hours rather than 3 hefty meals breakfast lunch and dinner. I've also eliminated fast food, junk food, and fried foods. What's EC?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Diet is most important, and any thermogenic will only give you a very small boost if any. having tried a lot of OTC ones, really the only one that did anything was EC

    I've made a huge diet change, small meals every few hours rather than 3 hefty meals breakfast lunch and dinner. I've also eliminated fast food, junk food, and fried foods. What's EC?

    EC = Ephedrine + caffeine

    and really increased meal frequency doesn't really give any added benefit for weight loss. it's all personal preference, i eat 2 meals and a dessert everyday, all in an 8hr period.

    try and shoot for 1g of pro per lb of lean body mass and .3g of fat per lb of body weight at a minimum and then fill in the rest of your cals however you like
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    Diet pills will not work in the long run because they pretty much only control your appetite and give a slight metabolism boost. Your best bet is to have a reasonable workout program of 6 days a week an hour a day and a diet. Now diet doesn’t mean starve yourself diet it means diet, portion control, calorie counting. Also it isn’t all about calories it is also about quality of what you eat. 500 calories at Taco Bell is far different than 500 calories of lean protein, vegetables and complex carbs. Pay attention to the fuel you put in and the results will come in time.
  • tkn11
    tkn11 Posts: 276 Member
    I've used OxyElite Pro and similar stuff on and off and, honestly, it's pretty much the same for me either way. Keeping a healthy/strict diet is COMPLETELY a mental game. These pills can help decrease your appetite to an extent and give you some sustained energy, but it comes down to your will power. Strengthen that, and you will be just fine. (This may be different for other people, but that's how it is for me.)
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    The number on the scale really doesn't matter, it is how you look and how you feel. You could go from a size 10 to a size 4 but never hit some abstract number on the scale. You may be better off getting a % of body fat measurement and paying attention to how your clothes fit. Just use the scale as a guide not the holy grail.
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    Diet is most important, and any thermogenic will only give you a very small boost if any. having tried a lot of OTC ones, really the only one that did anything was EC

    I've made a huge diet change, small meals every few hours rather than 3 hefty meals breakfast lunch and dinner. I've also eliminated fast food, junk food, and fried foods. What's EC?

    EC = Ephedrine + caffeine

    and really increased meal frequency doesn't really give any added benefit for weight loss. it's all personal preference, i eat 2 meals and a dessert everyday, all in an 8hr period.

    try and shoot for 1g of pro per lb of lean body mass and .3g of fat per lb of body weight at a minimum and then fill in the rest of your cals however you like

    ahh, alright. that's what a lot of my friends tell me. the small frequent meals deal. thanks so much though. super specific and very helpful. i'll be sure to give your advice a try :)
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    The number on the scale really doesn't matter, it is how you look and how you feel. You could go from a size 10 to a size 4 but never hit some abstract number on the scale. You may be better off getting a % of body fat measurement and paying attention to how your clothes fit. Just use the scale as a guide not the holy grail.

    Haha! Thanks so much for your input. I definitely try not to pay attention to what the scale reads, because I do feel a lot smaller and healthier even if I only lost 6 pounds in the last 2 months. Just gets a little discouraging sometimes to not see the number budge.
  • tabithap07
    tabithap07 Posts: 39 Member
    I also took the oxyElite pro only down fall once you get off the pills you will gain it back. it regulates how hungery you are and raises your body temp to burn calories constantly. if you really want to loose you just have to eat right and exercise. i started with a cleanse by slim quick. it helped and flushed my body. hope this helps!!
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    I've used OxyElite Pro and similar stuff on and off and, honestly, it's pretty much the same for me either way. Keeping a healthy/strict diet is COMPLETELY a mental game. These pills can help decrease your appetite to an extent and give you some sustained energy, but it comes down to your will power. Strengthen that, and you will be just fine. (This may be different for other people, but that's how it is for me.)

    Thanks for the reply! It really is a mental game. I figured that these diet pills vary from person to person. Since I've started dieting this year, I've been pretty good at sticking to a healthy diet. I think I just might quit diet pills altogether after I finish my OxyElite and see how things pan out. Because worst case scenario, I'd hate to be dependent on these diet pills to lose/maintain my weight.
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    I also took the oxyElite pro only down fall once you get off the pills you will gain it back. it regulates how hungery you are and raises your body temp to burn calories constantly. if you really want to loose you just have to eat right and exercise. i started with a cleanse by slim quick. it helped and flushed my body. hope this helps!!

    Thanks. Good to know I'm already on the right track, hitting the gym 90-120mins a day 4-6 times a week. And my eating habits are pretty decent. Just working on different varieties and planning out my meals. I never really did a breakfast, lunch, and dinner or the 5-7 small meals a day. I always did breakfast, lunch, and MAYBE a snack later in the day. So planning meals every few hours is kind of a new discipline for me. Haha. Now that you mention the weight gain, I'm a bit scared to come off the oxyelite. I plan on doing this cleanse by Usana Health Sciences call the Reset Program. I've done it twice before and I've gotten great results, far better results than taking diet pills. It's just hard to manage afterwards. But I'm super determined this time around now that I'm older and more independent :)
  • VixenGddss5
    You are MUCH better off calculating target heart rates for fat burning, eating foods to promote fat loss like hot chilies, eating proteins more than fats, carbs and sugars, and look up exercises to boost your metabolism. My favorite because I have 2 little children is to go on a walk with them in their double stroller. Walk at a fast pace for 3-5 minutes (so that you have a hard time talking) swinging your arms too helps burn fat all over. Then do an all out sprint for 30 seconds, walk quickly for 30 seconds, wash, rinse, repeat for as long as you possibly can, then cool down w/ a brisk walk again. I have lost 25 lbs in 10 weeks doing the things I mentioned about w/o anything other than reduced calories and myfitnesspal.
  • VixenGddss5
    ps you can overwork your body by going to the gym that much. I only hit the gym 2-3 times a week tops.