Having Issues

Okay, I started my official weight loss journey Jan 4th of this year. My goal was to lose 50 lbs, and to hit onederland. I made that goal about a month ago. And I was so ecstatic. However lately I've been having issues. With the changes of a move, a new puppy and my grandfather passing, I stopped logging, and stopped caring. This went on for about 2 weeks. But then I weighed myself.

I had gained back 6 lbs (half of it was just an increase in water weight and food mass), but it made me go back to not being over my goal of 50 lbs lost and back into the 200's. So I started tracking again, and now I'm 3 lbs from where I was when I'd left off and 2 lbs away from refinishing my new years resolution. It feels horrible back tracking, meeting my new years resolution and then not. Re-losing the weight I had already lost isn't helping my morale.

I feel low everyday. I dread eating because, I dread overeating. So I postpone eating until I'm starving, then I eat a big meal and I feel guilty for it. Since I went off and ate whatever I wanted, all my old cravings are back as well. I don't have a gym membership in the new town I live in, and while I've been trying to go for walks, I find myself lacking in time.

I don't know what I'm looking for, maybe just a small morale boost? I just need to know I can get back on track, I can continue my journey and these changes will not destroy my efforts for the past 10 months. If anyone would like to Friend me and help me stay on track, I'd really appreciate it.


  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I know how you feel. My mother died a week after I got back from vacation. I've had a month of horrible horrible eating (and drinking). I'm really trying to get back into it but it seems like I've really gotten used to eating more. I started a new lifting program on Monday that I'm really excited about so that seems to be helping me get back into it.

    You just have to get back into. Re-develop your healthy habits. You did it once, you can do it again. Maybe go back to your diary from before your set back and get ideas from there. And it's not like you re-gained 50lbs. You gained 6. That's NOTHING compared to the 50lbs you lost. 3lbs is already gone. Another 3lbs is nothing and well come right back off soon.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    i'll friend you. i'm currently trying to relose weight that i've gained back, and it's not fun at all. don't get discouraged. you're trying to get back on track and you'll make it. you've done it before so you can do it again! good luck!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have read that low carb consumption can create a depressed state of mind, so be careful.
    If you just moved maybe you can find a new gym?
    I don't know where you are, but many YMCAs have renovated and now rival very nice local health clubs.

    Good Luck.
  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    wow... youve done so frikkin well !!! thats awesome , the amount youve lost !!! CONGRATULATIONS !!

    now , i think you should start afresh , and set a new goal ?? thats what i did when i lost a lot-gained some back on .. i had to forget how well i had done and began a new journey .

    good luck though .. youve done it once , im sure you can do it again , , , you just have to get your head right , and that may take time , but that just normal :)

    dont beat yourself up , youve done brilliant !!!!!!

  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Ok, so the damage is done. It's time to move forward!
    No one said the journey is going to be easy, it's always going to have ups and downs. We just have to pick ourselves up from the downs and keep going.
    You can do this!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I've been losing the same 5 pounds for the last 3 weeks! I lose it, blow the weekend, gain it all back and then spend the next week losing it all again. So depressing. So I set small goals for myself and this week I'm going to meet ALL of them. Another thing I would suggest is to find someone to talk to. I know from experience, that it's hard to move to a new place and meet new people. I'm struggling with that myself.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Honey, I will tell you we have all done it a time or two. We ALL slip - it is part of being human. I did horrible when I went on vacation in July and gained 5 lbs because of it (partly water weight and partly what I ate). I tried to do well, but I still failed miserably. It took me about 2 weeks to get the extra weight off, but I was diligent and faithful. I even logged the gain to "start fresh" again. I had lost 45 lbs at that point, and here I am 10 lbs lighter than that.

    I woke up a little disappointed in myself as well - I am up 2 lbs in 2 days from my horrible eating habits the past 2 days (so it happens). The main thing is NEVER give up. You hae worked too hard and too long to just throw in the towel now. So pick yourself back up, brush yourself off, and get back into it again. I can tell you I have never had a gym membership - I don't have the money or time with 2 babies. I do all my workouts at home plus my daily missions with my toning group (I started and you are welcomed to join). I have done 30-day shred, started Ripped in 30 (need to get back to this one), Turbojam, and did C25K. I go for walks when I can since I currently can't run with it getting dark early. I used to hate running but now I love it. Don't be so hard on yourself - like I said before it happens to all of us. Just jump back into it. You can and will do this!!! Stay strong - just look and see how far you have come. 50 lbs is nothing to be ashamed of!!! :smile: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • bigal4pres
    Hang in there. You have built great momentum so far. The roller coaster called weight loss depends on momentum to get you over the humps and ride faster and faster on the declines. If we didn't have bumps, we would go too fast and crash. Congrats on your progress. Many people can't get anywhere close to where you are now. Keep setting the example and others will follow. :-)
  • HersheyTeeJay
    HersheyTeeJay Posts: 18 Member
    I can relate to what you say. I, too, recently lost a family member, and for 2 or 3 weeks I was off my diet/exercise plan. Plus, I had an injury that did not allow me to continue my exercise program. Am hoping that by Monday of next week I can get back on that.

    It's so much better if you can eat several "little meals" a day rather than a large meal, which by the time you eat you're starving. And always eat a good breakfast. That's the most important meal of the day.

    Hang in there. You're doing great! Look at what you've done so far. You have been very successful, and will continue to be successful. We all have our ups and downs, and we have to find that diet and exercise program that is right for each of us, and that is something that we can live with. We are all going to "get off the wagon" from time to time, but the main thing to remember is to just climb back on. You'll be glad you did!

    Good luck to you!!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I think a lot of us have gone through this. I lost 12#, stopped tracking and gained it all back. I have been back on the wagon for about 2 months now and just now got back to 17# lost. We all have downfalls, but the important thing is to pick yourself back up and get going again. You can do this, you just have to work at it. It's hard to monitor everthing you eat everyday, we all know this, but we do it and for good reasons. Don't beat yourself up if you overeat every now and then. We all do it. If it happens, oh well, take a walk to burn some it off or find something else to keep yourself moving. And definately don't starve yourself. Keep small snacks around so you don't overindulge at mealtimes. We are all in this together and we can all do this!
  • fatguyweightloss
    I have read that low carb consumption can create a depressed state of mind, so be careful.

    Do you have a link to where you read this? I have had nearly an opposite reaction to eliminating wheat and most carbs from my diet. Not sure if I am special or I am missing something :)
  • evonday
    evonday Posts: 141 Member
    I think I'm gonna cry. This is why I love this site so much, the support is here. Thank you all for being so kind. I will try to be better, and with the help of you all, I will succeed. Thank you for your inspirational words. It has made me feel more determined today than I have in weeks, and weeks.
  • fatguyweightloss
    No hurry to get the weight off, we all took our time putting it on so shouldn't come off quickly. Just keep working to move in the right direction.

    You should be able to lose weight without being hungry, do some experimentation on your nutrient ratios (Fat/Carbs/Protein) For some people higher amounts of protein gives them the most satiety, while others it is fat. Personally I found replacing many of my carbs with a mix of protein and fat kept me full sometimes even too much where I hit the end of the day seeing I didn't nearly eat enough and have an extra snack.

    Just because XYZ celebrity weight loss personality says that the low fat products they are sponsoring is the best thing to eat doesn't make it true :) Stick with real food that have naturally contain nutrients and you should be able to lose weight without starving, because no matter how much you fight eventually you will have to give in if your body thinks it is starving.