Newbie with 100# to lose


Excited to be here - this is my first day tracking with myfitnesspal - I'm encouraged by the success stories posted... hoping that will be me in the coming months and year. I've tried everything over the years: WW, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Slim-fast... you name it, I've done it. Had success with WW about 10 years ago, but gained it back in about 3 years. Now, I'm at my heaviest... I have approximately 100 lbs to lose - oh my! Hoping for support!


Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    Good luck. I have 100 ibs to loss also. good luck add me if you like.
  • jamesonborelli
    Hey Amy! Thanks for adding me! I have over 100 pounds to lose so I know what your dealing with! We can do it though:)
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Hey Amy,
    Good job getting back to it! The hardest part is deciding to start. I started at 340 and lost 22 pounds so far. Trying to get down to 180-190 eventually. Take it in small weight loss sections. You'll find yourself jumping up and down and laughing with each 5-10 that you lose. Also remember, this is not a temporary thing, this is a life long thing that you can't stop. Friend me if you'd like.
    REDLMS Posts: 2
    Hey, Amy! That's about what I have to lose as well. Feel free to friend me.
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member

    When I started with MFP I had over a 100 lbs to lose (that was in April of this year), I can proudly say I have lost 64 of those lbs already. It is not an easy road and any one that says it is is lying. It is hard but if you want it, really want it, you can do it. This site is great for support, encouragement, challenges, and keeping you on track with your caloric intake. Good luck!! Feel free to add me.
  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
    I too have way more weight to lose than I ever wanted to admit. After finding MFP I finally believe that this can be attainable. With all the great ppl on here it's so much easier. Good luck on your journey!
  • Bria14
    Bria14 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello Amy! I just joined a few days ago and my first goal is 100lbs. I started around 305 and have lost about 15lbs so far since August. (of course I haven't really been TRYING yet) I just have changed my diet and also am going through a divorce. I just recieved a workout dvd from my friend in the mail and cannot wait to start it!! Feel free to add me as a friend:-) GOOD LUCK!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome, Amy. You'll find lots of support here. I joined in April with 135 lbs to lose. So far I've lost 53. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • puzwuz1
    puzwuz1 Posts: 42
    Hey Amy, welcome to MFP! We are all here for the support anyone needs to help get you where you want to be! Great job coming back to get into it! Feel free to add me if you'd like :) Good luck with everything, you will get there!