
Just heard about this diet called Metafast......... Anyone else try it? I think its more of a liquid type diet. My friend tried it last year and says she has a bunch of food still in her pantry cause it was really hard to stick to. Comments/advise/opinons anyone?


  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    My mom did it and lost 40 lbs. It is really hard to stick to the diet, but the weight stayed off after she got off of it. It's been almost 2 years. I would not recommend it though b/c of the strict plan.
  • lsenour
    lsenour Posts: 8 Member
    I know a couple people that tried it. It works although very hard to stick to and they gained weight back as soon as they stopped doing it. Do it the old fashioned way.......portion control and excercise. It's better for you and will get to the heart of the problem. Tried quick fixes for years. They always worked but not the life style change which was needed. Hope this helps:)