On a mission to find the old me

During the 90's I was overweight by 20-30 pounds, but active and able to maintain an active life style.

If I could erase the 2000's I would be really happy, but unfortunately I cant do that.

On February 1, 2003 I was involved in a serious snowmobile accident that required surgery on one of my legs and left me with severe back pains.

At my annual physical two weeks prior to the accident I weighed in at 204. During the 8 months I was laid up with the injuries I ate myself up to 290. I had become a stress eater and a work from home employee, not a good combo for me.

Between 2004 and 2010 I managed to add almost an additional 60 to that number.

Christmas photos from 2010 left me ashamed as to what I had become. I called my Dr. and scheduled an appointment for the soonest date to get a physical and a starting point on the mission to find the old me was hiding in this body.

Thankfully after all of the tests the Dr. put me through I had an amazingle clean bill of health, but the warning signs were everywhere that if I kept on the same path that could change drastically.

So on February 1st of this year I embarked on a mission to return to the body I had back in the 90's.

On 2/1/11 I weighed in during my physical at 348

I made some changes to my diet and started getting a little more active - things like parking at the end of the parking lot, walking around the neighborhood.

At a visit to my Dr. on 8/29/11 I weighed in at 314 and was feeling good that the changes were working, but during September I felt that I had reached a plateau with losing.

I had a Dr. appointment on 9/26 and weighed in at 309, I was happy with what I had done so far, but knew I could do more. So I commited to sticking to an 1800 calorie diet and joining a gym. I started doing some Internet searches and found this site on 9/29 but actually signed up on 10/3. I loaded it on my phone and have been tracking my calories and exercise (well except for strength work, haven't figured that part out yet) closer than I ever have because it has become so easy. I went back and entered my hand written notes for the days prior to joining and found that I was close on stuff but had room for improvement.

Reading stories and comments of other members on the site has led me to go out and purchase tools such as a food scale, supplements, pedometer and a few other things.

At a follow up appointment today at my Dr's I stepped on the scale and weighed in at 300

In a strange way I feel really good and motivated, more so than I have ever been. I think reading all of the success stories has driven me to work extra hard the last 2 weeks in every facet of my mission.

Thanks to all for the motivation you have provided so far and I look forward to the becoming more active on the site!



  • 23ahol
    23ahol Posts: 10
    Great job, man!
    You need P90X to get you all the way back in shape and then build the new man you always wanted to be.
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    Great work! Don't ever get discouraged, just think about how much you have done so far! Sounds like it has been a great year so far and I hope during the rest of this year and in 2012 you meet all of your goals! Good luck!!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Terrific job on your mission to a healthier you!
    You have done amazingly well so far and your outlook and attitude will take you even farther.
    Looking at your profile pics - I can already tell a transformation happening. Good for you!
    MFP is a great place for encouragement and tips.
    I have learned a lot on here too - like eating clean, watching portions, and exercise.
    That is what it is all about.

    Friend me if you like
    Keep pushing forward.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I just read your blog. Wow, you have done so well. Congratulations and well done!