Juice +

muzicgurl02 Posts: 31
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
I was invited to a wellness meeting on Monday of this week and at the end of the talk, the speaker started to push "Juice Plus" products at all of us who attended. The speaker was very persuasive but didn't talk very much about the products details. I've done some research on this product, but haven't learned hard facts about why I should take these fruit and vegetable pills.

Has anyone heard of Juice Plus? Does anyone take the product? If you do use the product, do you think it helps you with your weight loss plan?

I would like to hear the pros and cons to this product, before making my decision to invest in it.


  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I think it is healthier to eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of taking a pill.
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    I ordered it and got my kid's for free. I didn't really see it help me, but my kids are never sick (anymore) since taking. They started it in March and have been sick maybe once. I'd save your money and just buy fresh fruits and veggies.
  • CoachsWife4
    CoachsWife4 Posts: 79 Member
    My whole family takes Juice+. it's not meant as an alternative to healthy eating or fresh fruit & vegetables. It's just like any other SUPPLEMENT & meant to add to what you're doing. Several times I have stopped taking or ran out & within a few weeks I notice my craving for sweets increase. My boys both take the children's tummies & they both ask for more fruits & veggies when we're faithful about taking them. We have a huge family history with cancer & this does feel like one way to help battle it. I do not sell the product but I highly recommend it!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I know someone who sells this stuff. I can't say whether or not it actually works or not, but I would say do plenty of research elsewhere before buying. The people who sell it are using that pyramid strategy thing where you try and get people to sell it under you and so on. To me that means they could be pushing a product and feeding you info that they got from someone else and have no clue as to the scientific background or the lack thereof. The whole thing is to make money, so be careful. It could be a great product though... I don't know.
  • I have a friend who sells this and I do take it. Does it work? I don't know. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. I guess I am taking it to preserve our friendship, becasue I do think it is expensive.

    The company is and MLM if you buy from someone who is to make money off of this, they will hound you
    to join the club. Furthermore all of their so called wellness seminars end up as a commercia for JP,l attended mostly by juice plus users. So they end up feeling rah! rah! for the product.

    The person starts off talking about good nutrition in relation to whatever the topic is, but the starts to use scare tactics, because you don't get enough of vital nutrients or the ones you get aren't of good enough quality. Then they say Juice plus can brige the gap and encourage to take them. No matter what their field of expertise they are all JP vendors also. I'd like to see them have a speaker who speaks to good nutriton, diet, excerise etc. but not endorse a particular product. But that shall never happen. ;d la.

    It may be a good supplement,, but that is all it is at best, a supplement. Even their speakers will say they eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, work-out etc. But they never say maybe, that is why I am healthy. They even often say they were unhealthy before they did these things. Still they always give the impression it was JP that made the change not the other changes.

    In my mindJP uses brainwashing tactics with thier sales people, making them believe they will be saving lives by getting others to take this product. My friend now rarley touches a food she considers unhealthy. But it is JP that is giving her health, not the good diet and lifestyle.

    Look at the product and research carefully. And be sure to eat real food, not supplements.
  • PS, I had a weight problem when Is started Jp and still do. IT will not help with weight loss.
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