Walking at State Parks in SE Minnesota?

So I'm new to Minnesota (& fairly new to MFP) and I don't know anyone within several hundred miles of me. :frown: So now that I'm unpacked and feel fairly confident about the food logging I'm trying to work on the exercise portion a little more. I'm very out of shape and walking 1.06 miles the other day (around my neighborhood) took me 27 minutes. :grumble: Granted there were a lot of hills, but I was walking at what I'd consider a decent pace 3 mph at least, except maybe up those steep hills. I want to get out of the house this weekend and do something and all the fall festivals and harvest celebrations are going on here...but they are full of pie eating contests, caramel apples, and the like which I'm trying to avoid so I thought instead I'd visit some of the local state parks. Pack a healthy picnic, take a camera, enjoy the fall foilage, and get some walking in that wouldn't be too tough on me. Does anyone have any suggestions on any good parks that you've been to? I don't mind a little challenge, but I want to enjoy the day as well and not make it some type of Biggest Loser Challenge to hike 5 miles uphill :sad: or anything like that, lol. Thanks for your input! :drinker:



  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    What city are you in? I walked the Twin Cities 3-Day and did alot of walking across MN we have some awesome trails, let me know where you are and there are quite a few websites that will show you some great paths..welcome to MN!!
  • efriling
    efriling Posts: 58 Member
    Awe that'd be great! I live in Rochester, & where close is good for day to day stuff, I wouldn't mind driving around an hour on the weekend to see a great park. Thanks!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Here are a few ideas (I don't know the Rochester area, as Iive 4 hours north of you :)

  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    some weekend you need to come up to MNPLS and check out Minnehaha Park--water falls, great paths, great scenery, great place for a picnic. Plus, you can even rent a bike there. Google it if you can and look into it.

    You're doing great Erin!
  • simkat
    simkat Posts: 72
    Whitewater State Park is nice and in that area. Or head east toward the river. All kinds of quaint towns to visit. Red Wing, Lake City w/ Lake Pepin, Wabasha. Betw Wabasha and Reed's Landing is where the bald eagles are. Google it for info on the eagle center there. Gorgeous and right on the Miss River. Lots of exploring to be done in that area. Great shops, too!
  • mollykat73
    mollykat73 Posts: 56 Member
    In Minneapolis, try the Chain of Lakes.
