USEFUL coupons- food

Now, i've been looking to try and cut my grocery bills by using coupons and seeing these shows and what they buy..its all CRAP especially the grocery part. all canned, processed food, sugary drinks which i guess is ok for those families but realistically, where can you find coupons for HEALTHY food?? i've been looking and i'm totatlly oblivioius to how this coupon crap works since i've never used them but i'd like to start looking, which i have, for coupons for food i eat......healthy..low or just overal BETTER for you food then the crap coupons they give out.

anyone?? anyone know of any sites or places to get these coupons at?!


  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 616 Member
    im with you girl. i would kill for those kinds of can find a coupon for 1.00 of spagetti os but forget it if you want fresh produce.
  • bump
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Let me know when you find some! The only "healthy" food coupons I ever come across are the yogurt, the occasional fiber one, and very rarely a coupon for soup.
  • a lot of the time you can get printable coupons from offline if you join free memberships on the websites of companies that produce vegetarian, organic or other healthy foods, and they send you special offers through email as well. You might not want these cluttering up your regular email, which is why I would maybe make a "junk" email for these and other things like this, but it can be worth it, depending on the site and what kinds of deals they offer.
  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    Theres links on stoneyfield farms for some healthy food coupons.I also get them from another site onece in a while. I can't remember the name, but I'll check and post again when I find it. Oh, and Bob's Red Mill has coupon offers now and again.
  • I've found quality coupon books at Sprouts for organic/ natural products. But other than that I use coupons a lot for soap, toothpaste, deod, laundry detergent and that sort of thing. If you watch the sales you can really score. I have 12 tubes of free toothpaste, for example. I totally agree with you about the food, though, it's all for sugar cereal and crap. OH- but recently there was a groupon for gift cards at Whole Foods! So keep an eye out for another! YOu can also subscribe to deal chicken, living social, kgb deals, etc, and see what rolls in.
  • also try They have free printable coupons for organic products. And maybe read this article on how to find healthy coupons:
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    also try They have free printable coupons for organic products. And maybe read this article on how to find healthy coupons:

    i'll take a look, thanks!
  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    The other site is Mambo Sprouts. A lot of it is local, but theres some more nationwide stuff too. Google coupons for organic or health foods. They're out there, they just take a little more work to find. My grocery store also has a small selection of healthier foods. You can sign up at their online site for different newsletters. One of them is a helathy lifesyle one. I signed up for that and occasionally get some pretty good coupons. Driscoll's (the berry people will usuually send you a coupon for berries is you sign up on their website and then occasionally after that. I also have a local natural market that is large enough to put out a newsletter with coupons. Last but not least, keep your eyes open. He have a traditional, high-end type market around here. They run Tuesday Specials. This month one of them is hormone free milk for less then a regular gallon costs at my usual supermarket. theres a limit of 4. Don't give up, once you start finding them, it seems to get easier. I would love to do serious couponing, but I'm with you. I'd rather pay full price then buy a bunch of unhealthy food all the time.

    Sorry, for the repeat :)
  • LoveMyArmyMedic
    LoveMyArmyMedic Posts: 70 Member
    Thank you!!
  • LoveMyArmyMedic
    LoveMyArmyMedic Posts: 70 Member
    also try They have free printable coupons for organic products. And maybe read this article on how to find healthy coupons:
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I coupon and find that by not having to pay for all my cleaning products or health and beauty items (except for facial item) i have cut my grocery bill and my cart is always filled to the top with those little annoying produce bage. You just have to keep your eyes open at the store too. that is where i find most of my produce and meat coupons :)