Surpassing goal...time to update stats

As of this morning I have surpassed my goal loss of 25 lbs...current loss of 26 lbs! :drinker:

Now does anyone know if I can update my goal to a total of 50-60 and still show the 26 lbs lost? Basically, I want to extend my progress bar without showing back to zero lost. Right now it shows my beginning weight at 205 and completing at 179. I still want it to show the 205 beginning weight, but I want the ending weight to show at about 145. Which would bring my ticker thingy to the halfway mark. Is that possible, or do I have to start back at zero?

When I started on here, I really didn't think I'd even loose the first 25, so I didn't think I'd need to extend it!


  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Go to tools

    Click on Weight loss tickers.

    Then click on Update your ticker

    From there you can change your goal weight.
  • Seraph1120
    Seraph1120 Posts: 194 Member
    Go to tools

    Click on Weight loss tickers.

    Then click on Update your ticker

    From there you can change your goal weight.

    SWEET!! Thanks Henney!
  • joyeaann
    joyeaann Posts: 39 Member
    Actually if you go to Home --- goals.
    Then go to --- change goals --- Guided and continue

    you can change your goal weight there --- your tickers will adjust from there.