New and ready to break habit of eating when bored, lonely, u

A friend recommended this site for me. I'm hoping to get the support i think I need while trying to lose weight. I eat when I am in almost every imaginable mood because it makes me feel good to eat something delicious. I want to replace rewarding myself with food with starting to workout. Any advice is more than welcome.


  • You sound exactly like me!

    Had a good day, reward self with food.

    Had a bad day, eat to cheer self up.

    Not a good habit!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    The workouts help curb the appetite. Get real serious about logging all your calories. It will help reinforce your goals, and the goals will begin overriding the desire to treat yourself.

    Also think up front about the regret you feel from eating the food you didn't need to eat, and sabotaging your progress.
  • i will be sitting in my chair and look down all of a sudden at an emply cookie container or something and not even remember getting it or eating it. mindless! i want to enjoy what im eating. why waste my time and cals? lol keep you diary perfect, it will help you know when ou are eating and it will surpize you some of the stuff youll eat. i think its food for thought for sure.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    You can totally do it. :)

    First, let's talk about actual, physical hunger. Embrace the discomfort of hunger! If you're anything like me, you jump up to make food at the very first sign of hunger. But you don't have to! I fill up a 32 oz. bottle of water and drink the whole thing before I make any food, even if I was already halfway through it when I realized I was hungry. Refill it and sip on it til it's gone. You may find that you feel less hungry when you're done so that you can wait another 30 or 60 minutes. Bonus: hydration!

    Buy filling, low-calorie foods. I really love frozen veggies. Broccoli and cauliflower work especially well. I find that protein is what keeps me feeling full longest. Boneless, skinless chicken breast, eggs, greek yogurt or nuts help BIG TIME. I prefer 30g of fire-roasted almonds, personally.

    I hope that helps get you started. :)
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I have the same habit...well had. It is really about will power and telling yourself just bc you're bored does not mean you HAVE to eat. Be bored, find something else for you to do. Also have a few little snack prepared for during the day. The snacks helped me a lot becasue I could just go to the fridge and grab a small baggie of baby carrots that I already logged and munch away. Guilt free :) Good luck!!
  • You sound exactly like me!

    Had a good day, reward self with food.

    Had a bad day, eat to cheer self up.

    Not a good habit!

    No it's not and I have gotten into a bad state with this exact thinking.
  • This is exactly what i need; the social support of others telling me they did and I can. I love Carrots i just never do that. I will stock up on veggies because they are something I love but choose cookies or some other fattening item instead. I am reading these all and loving the suggestions.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    i will be sitting in my chair and look down all of a sudden at an emply cookie container or something and not even remember getting it or eating it. mindless! i want to enjoy what im eating. why waste my time and cals? lol keep you diary perfect, it will help you know when ou are eating and it will surpize you some of the stuff youll eat. i think its food for thought for sure.

  • eenbloempje
    eenbloempje Posts: 16 Member
    I'm the same! I eat when i'm bored.. What is up with that? There are a million things i could do, but the one i choose is eating. And i feel bad afterwards. Then when i'm unhappy, i eat some more. And feel even worse afterwards. I know that exercise makes me feel better, now all i have to do is get started. I need to break this habit!
    Good luck to you all and to myself!