What the heck? Am i in a plateau?

3 weeks now my weight has been up & down. Anywhere from +3lbs and back to what my weight was 3 weeks ago. Today i weighed in and now i weigh what i did 3 weeks ago, but no further weight loss. I have been staying under my calories so i don't understand why this is happening. Any advice or guidance on how to get through this and what it could be?


  • I had the same for almost the entire month of September--up two pounds, down three, up three, no net loss the whole month. I was devastated, and even cut back on eating. But then last week, I lost three pounds! So just hang in there. It happens.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I had this happen when i first started, as well. Have you tried changing up your diet and exercise routines a bit? Switching it up can sometimes shock your body and cause you to get of your slump.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    sept was like that for me..i was working out every day, and was eating close to 1500 cals ( as i tended to up my cals on weeks i was stuck ) then this month, i started eating around 1200 cals again, and was back on track..good luck
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Probably a plateau! Maybe increase your calorie intake (with healthy calories) for a couple of days with extra workouts if you can. If you are under on your calories for too long you will make your metabolism slow down.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    First of all a big congratulations on your 58lb weight loss...and I feel like I am giving advice to someone who is so much better at all this than me :-)

    I have tried zig zagging (only a little)

    I have tried eating extra protein/carbs and vice versa.

    Upping exercise/less exercise

    I have plateaud 3 times and tried all thes things.

    I have gone back to just keeping to MFP and things have started moving.

    Just try jiggling thigns about a little and then go back to what you were doing x
  • Rae9911
    Rae9911 Posts: 200 Member
    Try not to stress too much about it. In June/July I lost a pound then put on the pound it was like this for 8 solid weeks. I just upped my calories a little and made sure I drank 2ltr of water a day and then in August I started losing again. I think it happens so that the body can balance out the changes (that's what I tell myself on the matter) Since then I have have been steadily losing 1lb a week which I am happy with as its a loss and not a gain.

    Keep your chin up and stick to it, you'll find you will suddenly start losing again.
  • I had this happen when i first started, as well. Have you tried changing up your diet and exercise routines a bit? Switching it up can sometimes shock your body and cause you to get of your slump.

    My advice alsooo