Favorite healthy foods from Whole Foods ?

Heya, I've never been to Whole Foods before and am going there today. Are there any items you would highly recommend? Thank you! :)


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i work at whole foods and the most inexpensive/best tasting food is the 365/whole foods brand. Go for the fresh fruit, but frozen produce. good louck and have fun.
  • much2gain
    Their granola in the bulk section is great. Look for the lower calorie stuff though. Most of it's pretty high. The Pumpkin Flax or Acai Berry one is 120-140 for a half cup. If you like vegetarian products, Quorn brand in the freezer section is really yummy. The "chicken" tenders/pieces are great on a salad.. crumbles are good for chili, etc. Their 365 brand is pretty good for most things. It gets good rating in food magazines and such but I don't shop their enough to really get my "basics" there. If you have a Trader Joes near you.. go there instead. Same sort of items and even better items, cheaper and mostly organic or less processed meats and dairy. If you need tips for Traders, just shout.